Other Walks in Southeast England

Long Distance Walks in the Southeast of Interest to day Walkers

Other Walks

There are many "official" waymarked paths and Long Distance Paths in the southeast. They are marked on OS 1:25,000 Explorer maps with green chevrons.

Either do a web search for the individual path name, or try the list of links over at the Rambler's website.

South East England Walking Books

We're (still) not afraid of the competition, but now there is some.

The 2 Time Out Country Walking books are unique in that they contain detailed walking instructions. Some books below contain OS map extracts, but some of them don't, and as well as the book, you'll need to buy the appropriate OS map(s) for each walks as well.

There are very few walking book covering the whole of Southeast England, but there are books covering specific trails (e.g. South Downs Way) and areas (e.g. Sussex).

Last Update: Feb-08 by Andrew