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(Walk 18, Windsor Great Park, 20 April 2002)

Sixth Sense

(In the morning- in a cultivated garden.)

‘Why don’t we stop by these gigantic flowers and take a rest for a while?’

‘Errmm…..the only trouble with this place is that there is no coffee.’

‘Well- just lie down and think of God being in everything- including you.’



‘Could you please keep your fish away from me?’

‘Oh sorry I forgot- you’re a vegetarian.’

(immediately after lunch:)

‘Well,  I must take my leave of you  now- as I have some pressing commitments back in Putney. Thankyou all for a pleasant day.’

‘Ok- well it was nice of you to spend time with us.’

‘Was that to be taken straight- or as irony?’


(a bit later after lunch- walking again.)

‘I wish I hadn’t eaten all those sardines. my stomach is as heavy as my conscience. They are taking their revenge.’


(later still- in the woods- half-hour silent period.)

‘It is now 3.30pm. We are ostensibly silent, but the woods are alive

With birdsong, distant cars, a passing jet. In the distance I see you. Looking

like a wooden figure, curled almost into a foetal position,

under a broad-trunked tree with huge black open mouth. And I want to speak to YOU.’

  ‘I know. Out of everything in this whole environment, I am the one to claim you. You can’t resist wanting to be me. Primitively drawing nurture,

Taking succour from the undergrowth. ’

  ‘It’s true. The twin shopping-bags of memory and expectation are abandoned for a while as we crouch and scribble…’.

‘Apprehending with your Sixth Sense, things which rise up from the ground-

miraculous shapes, given faces as they burst into and out of awareness…’

  ‘I hear the droning die away and with that, a train of thought dies too. Its carriages were just observed, chugging by. Why waste time resisting anything?’

  ‘Very profound- but without your books,

Would you have a clue what to say,?.

Meanwhile you’re still waiting for someone

to bring you love and happiness on a silver tray.’


‘Now I can see Mike on a distant fallen log-

His head resting in his hands. Now for a moment

He looked this way. Now he is getting up and walking this way.

This looking, this walking is the connecting

Of everything with nothing. Inside with out.’


‘Falling, falling, falling, past a silver box that opens

Occasionally to reveal a beautiful memory.

‘The craving of all cravings is for a love beyond sensation.

That seeks nothing but its own disclosure.

The beauty of all beauties is a unity with all that was ever broken.

All these pieces shall be mended by the hands of Forgiveness.

The wholeness, seemingly separated- is not.

This page is the End of the beginning.’

  (Later still- last stop in Windsor Park.)

 ‘Have you noticed that Mike remains standing

whilst we recline on the grass?

 He doesn’t want to be vulnerable.’

‘That’s because the aliens could attack at any minute.’