Haslemere Circular Walk

Gentle woods in the morning and a climb to Black Down in the afternoon


This is a list of previous times this walk has been done by the club (since Jan 2010). For more recent events (since April 2015), full details are shown.

Date Option Post # Weather
Sat, 25-Jan-25 Haslemere Circular - - Marley Common and Black Down 16 sunny am cloudy pm
Sun, 30-Jun-24 Haslemere circular 4 cloudy muggy
Wed, 13-Dec-23 Haslemere circular 15 drizzle which soon gave way to a dry spell with persistent light rain
Sat, 29-Apr-23 Haslemere Circular 14 sunny spring day
Sat, 26-Nov-22 Haslemere Circular 7
Fri, 03-Jun-22 Haslemere Circular 26 cloudy sunny humid
Sat, 03-Jul-21 Haslemere circular 25 pleasantly warm cloudy but
Wed, 22-Jan-20 Haslemere Circular 12 mist
Sat, 24-Aug-19 Haslemere Circular
Sun, 24-Mar-19 Haslemere Circular 21 dry sunny
Sat, 05-May-18 Haslemere Circular 10 hot and sunny
Wed, 15-Nov-17 Marley Common & Black Down: Haslemere Circular 14 cloudy then sunny
Sat, 03-Dec-16 Haslemere Circular 22 continuous sunshine
Sat, 28-May-16 Haslemere Circular 38
Sun, 17-Jan-16 2: Surrey woods and heaths 3 dry
Sat, 11-Jul-15 Saturday First Walk Hugh Request Book 1 Walk 22: Haslemere Circular 8.7 miles 40 warm
Wed, 04-Mar-15 Haslemere Circular Walk
Sun, 21-Dec-14 Haslemere Circular Walk 0
Sat, 31-May-14 Haslemere Circular Walk 42
Sun, 16-Feb-14 Haslemere Circular Walk 16
Sun, 05-May-13 Haslemere Circular Walk
Sat, 29-Sep-12 Haslemere Circular Walk
Sun, 04-Mar-12 Haslemere Circular Walk
Sun, 26-Feb-12 Haslemere Circular Walk
Sat, 28-May-11 Haslemere Circular Walk
Sun, 13-Mar-11 Haslemere Circular Walk
Sat, 22-Jan-11 Haslemere Circular Walk
Wed, 15-Sep-10 Haslemere Circular Walk
Sat, 19-Jun-10 Haslemere Circular Walk
Sun, 03-Jan-10 Haslemere Circular Walk
Sat, 30-May-09 Haslemere Circular Walk
Sun, 21-Sep-08 Haslemere Circular Walk
Sun, 06-Apr-08 Haslemere Circular Walk
Sat, 09-Feb-08 Haslemere Circular Walk
Sun, 26-Aug-07 Haslemere Circular Walk
Sat, 02-Jun-07 Haslemere Circular Walk
Sun, 04-Mar-07 Haslemere Circular Walk
Sat, 02-Dec-06 Haslemere Circular Walk

Saturday 25-Jan-25

Length : 14km (8.7 miles)

Toughness : 5 out of 10 (7 out of 10 if you climb Black Down).

This walk goes through very beautiful countryside. It is mainly National Trust land - mixed woods and heathlands with fine views from Black Down and the Temple of the Winds.

Trains : 9.55 from London Waterloo (Clapham Junction 10.05), (Woking 10.52) arriving Haslemere 11.20.

Return trains from Haslemere to London: xx.00 change at Woking; xx.32 direct; xx.37 direct

Lunch : The Red Lion in Fernhurst (good idea to phone ahead to book) or picnic on the green.

If the pub is full, The Fern at the cricket pavillion in Fernhurst (a 2 minute walk from the pub) has a range of hot and cold snacks and cakes.

Tea : Hemingways and other options in Haslemere described in the walk directions


  • Sat, 25-Jan-25

    A long journey today, with slow trains on a rickety line, but I counted 16 at the station with one joining later, making 17. Weather was sunny am cloudy pm There was mud, god, was there mud. And squish and probably clag as well. But mustn’t grumble. An enjoyable day, even battling uphill through the inevitable torrent after Fernhurst..

    In Fernhurst, 4 went in the Red Lion, 3 of whom opted for posh looking nosh, 1 just having a pint of HSB. mmm! Others either picnicked or went to the Fern cafe.

    All went well until the final ascent before Haslemere. A big - and I mean big - tree has fallen into the bridleway, completely blocking it. Most, I think, wriggled or crawled through the branches. Mr Tiger, being more decorous, reprised his performance at Groombridge, climbing up the steep bank, going along a bit and sliding down again.

    In Haslemere, some went to Hemingways, where they had big cakes, then compounded their sins by going in the Swan, where Mr Tiger found some Lilleys cider. Mmmmmm.

Sunday 30-Jun-24

Marley Common and Black Down T=1.22

Length : 14km (8.7 miles)

Toughness : 5 out of 10 (7 out of 10 if you climb Black Down).

This walk goes through very beautiful countryside. It is mainly National Trust land - mixed woods and heathlands with fine views from Black Down.

Trains :10.00 from London Waterloo (Clapham Junction 10.09, Woking 10,25) arriving Haslemere 11.06.
Return trains from Haslemere run at xx.17 and xx.42.

Lunch: The Red Lion in Fernhurst or picnic on the green.

If the pub is full, The Fern at the cricket pavillion in Fernhurst has a range of snacks and cakes.

Tea : Hemingways and other options in Haslemere described in the walk directions L=1.22

  • Sun, 30-Jun-24

    Three of us on the train were joined by one driver so4 on this cloudy muggy day. Three of us had walked yesterday too, doing all the walks between us. One had a good roast dinner at the Red Lion and the others had coffee or more at the Fern, where the pizza man was lamenting the cancellation of a cricket match (did the players cry off to watch England?). In the afternoon we split up with two of us going over the top of Black Down and the others short-cutting; but I met one on the platform having been thwarted in his early getaway by a delayed train. Well worth coming out on this pleasant day, thanks for posting.

Wednesday 13-Dec-23

Marley Common and Black Down T=1.22

Length : 14km (8.7 miles)

Toughness : 5 out of 10 (7 out of 10 if you climb Black Down).

This walk goes through very beautiful countryside. It is mainly National Trust land - mixed woods and heathlands with fine views from Black Down
Trains:10.00 from London Waterloo (Woking 10,25) arriving Haslemere 10.54.
From Clapham Junction catch the 9.57 train to Woking and change to catch the Haslemere train at 10.25
Return trains from Haslemere run approximately 3 times an hour.

Lunch: The Red Lion in Fernhurst or picnic on the green.

Tea: Hemingways and other options in Haslemere described in the walk directions L=1.22

  • Mon, 11-Dec-23

    Another good lunch option is the cafe at the refurbished pavilion in Fernhurst, the Fern Cafe. It has cooked food, coffee, cakes and even wine, and its website says it is open Wednesday to Sunday.

  • Thu, 14-Dec-23

    15 set off in w==drizzle-which-soon-gave-way-to-a-dry-spell-with-persistent-light-rain taking over after lunch. About half the group had lunch at the Fern cafe while the rest picnicked outside. The cafe does sandwiches,some hot food, tempting cakes and hot drinks. Five or six picnickers set off ahead of the cafe group which split at the point where some opted for the Temple of the Winds route and others the other route to Black Down. This latter group reached Haslemere around 4pm.Three went straight to the station, the others went for refreshments. This is a lovely walk, as lovely and atmospheric in the wintry rain as it is in other seasons. There was some mud but mostly the ground was firm.

  • Thu, 14-Dec-23

    drizzle which soon gave way to a dry spell with persistent light rain

Saturday 29-Apr-23

8.7 miles / 14.0 km
A beautiful walk through mixed woods and heathland. A climb after lunch takes you up to Black Down, the highest point in Sussex. An optional detour goes via the Temple of the Winds, a fine viewpoint.
Trains: 10:10 London Waterloo, 11:08 Haslemere. Return trains at xx:03, xx:30, xx:45.
Lunch: The Red Lion, Fernhust (01428 643112).
  • Mon, 24-Apr-23

    Look out for the cute little pink bell-shaped flowers on the bilberry.

  • Sun, 30-Apr-23

    14 on a sunny spring day Some bits were dry some bits were muddy. But not muddy like last week. There was flowers. Bluebells, gorse, violets, celandine but no little pink bilberry flowers. The Red Lion is in new hands but the food seemed fine. A pleasant time was had in the garden. The HSB beer was good.

    We lost half the group here - picnickers who went on ahead. After the pub it was time for the dreaded Black Down ascent. Up through the mud, up through the stream, upward, ever upward. “Not as bad as it could have been” declared an unusually cheerful Mr Tiger at the top.

    Eventually the hardy crew neared Haslemere. Some went straight to the station and three to Hemingways where most of their cake had already sold out. The good news, for Mr Tiger at least, was that the rainbow cake hadn’t. Then, it was off to the station for the 17:30 home.

Saturday 26-Nov-22


Length: 14km / 8m
Toughness: 5 / 10
Transport: Take the 10:00 train from London Waterloo arriving in Haslemere at 10:54. Return trains at xx:14, xx:30 and xx:52.

A woodland walk with the last colours of autumn with an optional challenge to climb up to the temple of the winds after lunch.

  • Fri, 25-Nov-22

    We’re going to be on the 9.52 from Clapham Junction that will arrive in Haslemere at 10.50. See you there.

  • Sat, 26-Nov-22

    As per Wednesday walk. Good idea to book Red Lion, Fernhurst.

  • Sun, 27-Nov-22

    With Southern Rail not operating, it was a ragged meet up in Haslemere with six setting of at about 11. The weather was “overcast-and-later-on-windy.

    But what a lovely walk. Autumnal colour aplenty as we walked to the Red Lion arriving at 12.30 with 6.8km recorded on one walker’s phone (rather than the 8.3km in the walk description). Refreshments (beer or coffee) were enjoyed with snacks and picnics consumed on the benches on the picturesque green. A further walker arrived and left bringing the total to7.

    Those of us with wellies were certainly glad of them in the ascent to the Temple of the Winds as part of the route was a stream. Our efforts were richly rewarded with a memorable view and time was spent identifying the various landmarks.

    The return to Haslemere went through some remarkably attractive heathland. Gorse was still in flower and belted galloways were spied through the heather and billberry patches. The fungi count was negligible although one walker recounted a near death experience with death caps. A reminder to us all.

    We arrived back in Haslemere at just after 3. Two walkers headed to the station and three went to the Swan Inn for a rather good late lunch, joined by a fourth for a beer. The usual train shenanigans on the way home did not add too much time to the journey. A very worthwhile day out.

Friday 03-Jun-22

Mr M Tiger
Mr M Tiger
Difficulty 7/10 14km, 8.7 miles
A beautiful walk through mixed woods and heathland. The traditionally muddy climb after lunch may well be dry for once but best not wear your smartest trousers, despite the occasion. The walk takes you up to Black Down, the highest point in Sussex, with fine views.
CHANGED : From Waterloo, take the 10:30 Portsmouth Harbour train arriving Haslemere at 11:20.
From Clapham Junction, take the 10:28 Exeter train, and change at Woking (10:46 - 10:55) on to the above train.
Trains return from Haslemere at xx:02 xx:30 with a slightly slower one calling Clapham Junction at xx:14.
Lunch: The Red Lion, Fernhurst (01428 643112). The village could be in jubilee mode and the Red Lion do like to be warned so a good idea to phone from the station. Maybe cram a vegan sausage roll and slice of Platinum Jubilee cake in your bag just in case.
Tea: Darnleys on Haslemere’s High Street or Hemingways across the road. There are at least two pubs on the High Street, The Swan and the White Horse. The station is 10 mins walk from the High Street. Both open till 5
Directions can be found here.

  • Thu, 02-Jun-22

    Hello, thank you for organising.

    I'd like to join this hike, but it's my first time with SWC, even though I've done many of your routes before. I'll be arriving at Haslemere by car. How do I recognise the group?

  • Thu, 02-Jun-22

    Hi Andrey. We look like walkers with typical walkers boots etc. (well most of us anyway ), and congregate outside the station exit for a short while after the train arrives to exchange names. There may be other groups - if so ask around. We usually answer to “Saturday Walkers”.

  • Thu, 02-Jun-22

    There’s.link to a guide for new starters at the top of the “this weeks walks” page.

  • Thu, 02-Jun-22

    Hi, I can't find a 1000 train tomorrow. I'll be getting the 1013 from Woking which I believe leaves Waterloo at 0945. Hope to see some of you there.

  • Thu, 02-Jun-22

    @Sandy I couldn't find it either. Changed to the next train, the 10:30 from Waterloo (or 10:28 from CLJ change Woking)

  • Fri, 03-Jun-22

    There is a cafe in Fernhurst. It's in the cricket ground. It has been open the last couple of times ove been there but I don't know if it's open today.

  • Fri, 03-Jun-22

    Arrived at Haslemere to find a huge crowd outside the station. I was wishing they’d clear away so we could see the walkers. Then I realised they WERE the walkers! All 25 of them. Another caught us up mid- morning making us 26

    The weather was cloudy sunny humid

    The start is not as rural as it used ta be. A large housing estate is appearing where once was a field with horses. The group sped on up to Marley Common.. Those hills aren’t getting any lower either.

    The Red Lion wasn’t all that busy. Apparently things were kicking off at 2. Service a bit slow maybe but I think everyone got fed. And we were a large influx. A contingent of sandwich eaters formed an advance party up the not-as-muddy-as-it-could-be bridleway (but still a bit). Some went the Temple of the Winds way, but not Mr Tiger. No. He soldiered on with a smile on his face and a kind word for everyone.

    After yet another hill, we were back in Haslemere where a brass band was playing. But not for us. No. Some Queen or other. A jubilee fair was in progress. So much bunting Mr Tiger couldn’t find the pub. In the ensuing panic he ended up with a coffee and a cake. :(

    Grand day out. Thanks to Andrew for sorting out the morning train.

  • Fri, 03-Jun-22

    Lovely walk and wanted to say a heartfelt thank you to one walker who was kind and hung about as this walker struggled with the massive climb upwards today! Nice to know kindness still exists👍appreciated and hope you enjoy rest of bank hol.

Saturday 03-Jul-21


Marley Common and Black Down

Length : 14km (8.7 miles)

Toughness : 5 out of 10 (7 out of 10 if you climb Black Down).

This is a memorial walk to celebrate the life of Nicholas Albery the creator of Saturday Walkers Club who died twenty years ago. Those who remember Nicholas and those who appreciate this wonderful social invention might like to come along for the walk or join for lunch at the Red Lion in Fernhurst where a table has been reserved. If you plan to lunch at the pub, please email swc.wanderer@gmail.com so that the booking can be adjusted to the correct number.

The walk goes through very beautiful countryside. It is mainly National Trust land - mixed woods with blackberries and bluebells and heathlands of bracken, gorse, heather and bilberry, with fine views from Black Down (280 metres/919 feet), the highest point in both Sussex and the South Downs National Park.

Trains: Catch the 10am from London Waterloo (Woking 10.25) arriving Haslemere 10.53. This train does not stop at Clapham Junction but there is a slower train which stops at CJ at 9.52 and gets to Haslemere for 10.50.

Return trains from Haslemere are at xx.02, xx.14 and xx:30. Buy a return to Haslemere.

Lunch : The Red Lion in Fernhurst or picnic on the green.

Tea: options described in the walk directions.

For COVID contact tracing purposes, please email swc.wanderer@gmail.com or register on LWUG if you intend to come on the walk. In the event that you develop COVID symptoms in the week following the walk, please email swc.wanderer@gmail.com or covid@lwug.co.uk. Your contact details will not be shared with anyone.

For walk directions and map clik here


  • Josefine
    Wed, 30-Jun-21

    It was suggested to make this walk the annual memorial walk for Nicholas Albery, founder of the Saturday Walkers Club and editor of the first Time Out Book of Country Walks.

    Nicholas died on 3 June 2001 in a car crash. I am his widow and will join you on this walk, which is close to a piece of land we once came across on one of our Saturday walks with friends in the late 1980's. It has been our country retreat for many years. So this walk is very special to us.

    Looking forward to meeting you on Saturday!

  • Fri, 02-Jul-21

    The booking email link doesn’t seem to be working. Could this be checked please? I’m booking for 2 places at lunch.

  • Fri, 02-Jul-21

    The booking address is not a link. You need to type or copy and paste it into your email.

  • Sat, 03-Jul-21

    25 set off from the station in pleasantly warm cloudy but bright weather. 12 had lunch at the Red Lion and most of the others joined them for a drink. The afternoon stretch was muddy on the ascent out of Fernhurst but otherwise not too bad. Bilberries are ripe - sweet but tiny. Around 10 caught the 16.02 train back to London.

  • Anonymous
    Sun, 04-Jul-21

    Wanderer, many thanks for posting this ever popular walk and organising bookings at the Red Lion - much appreciated!

  • Tue, 06-Jul-21

    The Red Lion is a very good lunch stop able to accommodate all who wanted lunch or drinks under outdoor cover and the sea bass was an excellent choice in my part. Thanks to Wanderer for the booking especially as she didn’t eat there. On behalf of the less able 3 who caught the reliable bus after lunch we caught the 15.02 train having just missed the one half an hour earlier I can confirm that the burger cafe next to the station serves tea. We felt too under dressed to visit the lovely gastro steakhouse with rooms opposite the station but I have had drinks there on the outside terrace on previous Haslemere visits. We were delayed by the Raynes park signalling failure resulting in a queue to enter Waterloo and subsequent delays to onward departures.

    It was good to see Josefine after such a long absence and we hope to welcome her again. I understand that she hopes to run the Poetry challenge in October where participants are asked to memorise and recite a poem. Nicholas Albery felt that learning something by heart helped to stimulate his memory.

Wednesday 22-Jan-20

Haslemere Circular T=1.22

Length: 14.0km (8.7 miles), 4 hours 15 minutes walking time.
5 out of 10

"This short walk is through very beautiful countryside. It is mainly National Trust land - mixed woods and heathlands of bracken, gorse, heather and bilberry, with fine views from Black Down (280 metres/919 feet), the highest point in both Sussex and the South Downs National Park.

The bridleways just after the lunch pub can be very muddy, even in dry weather.

Trains: Get the 1000 Portsmouth Harbour train from Waterloo (Woking 1025). Frequent return trains. Buy a return to Haslemere.

Lunch: The suggested lunchtime stop is the Red Lion pub (tel 01428 643 112), by the village green at Fernhurst, offering quality home cooking. It serves food from noon until 2.30pm daily.

  • Anonymous
    Wed, 22-Jan-20

    the 10am to Portsmouth looks canceled. There is a 10.15am one.

  • Sandy
    Wed, 22-Jan-20

    Hi, I’m at Woking - there seems to be a 1043 from here getting to H’mere 1116. Not sure if that’s the one you’re getting Anonymous, but I hope to see someone there. Need to be back promptly so I won’t be going to the pub for lunch

  • Wed, 22-Jan-20

    Sorry to anyone at Haslemere. Trains all cancelled at Waterloo. We were waiting for the 10.15 but it was delayed and the driver, who was waiting with us, was doubtful it would run. So we switched to the 10.24 to Box Hill. One bailed out. Seven of us are doing Box Hill to Leatherhead. Annoyingly, just after we left Waterloo the 10.15 left just fifteen minutes late.

  • Wed, 22-Jan-20

    At least 10 set off to do this walk, and maybe one or two succeeded. There was Sandy at Woking, as seen in an earlier comment, and I hear another actually got to Haslemere. Eight more assembled at Waterloo for the specified train to find it and most other Portsmouth line trains cancelled due to the sudden onset of the 21st century in the Havant area, or some such disaster. The 10.15 alone was not cancelled but the minutes ticked by and the only change was it went from “on time” to “delayed”. Confidence was dented by the fact that its driver was standing next to us and seemed dubious that it would go, and by the “next fastest train to...” section of the departure board saying 11.00 for the next train to Guildford.

    So we cast about for alternatives and alighted on the 10.24 to Box Hill. Hurried attempts to change our tickets to this route at the ticket office were scuppered by the fact that a) changing one walker’s ticket took about five minutes and b) the only other two available ticket windows were embarked on negotiations of a length and complexity to make Brexit seem snappy. Eight of us got the train nevertheless, using our Haslemere tickets, but one immediately bailed out again at Clapham Junction (what private griefs she had, alas, I know not, that made her do this).

    So...seven of us got to Box Hill, and after some discussion elected to do Box Hill to Leatherhead. Except four needed the loo and so we went straight down the road to Burford Bridge, where the car park has public loos. Except three could not wait for the four in the loos, so they walked along to the Stepping Stones path and we four left behinds (to coin a phrase) set up to climb the hill by the back slope.

    We met at the top, however, where the mist largely obscured the view. This lasted all day, which was a bit disappointing, though atmospheric in its way. The gloom was enlivened by at least half a dozen song thrushes practising their song, even though they should not really be doing this for another three weeks. The ground underfoot was not mud-free, obviously, but was reasonably firm throughout the walk.

    Three had sandwiches and we did not see two of them afterwards. Four of us lunched at the Running Horses and one joined us for a drink. After lunch one wanted to continue to Leatherhead but four of us set out to do the loop back to Box Hill station, with talk of extending the walk to Denbies for tea. But in the end the lure of Box Hill station proved too much (even though it was only 2.30pm) and only one - me - carried on to Denbies, a pretty little route enlivened with the sight of my first bluebell shoots of the year.

    And so I sit here at 3.40 penning these lines (and to one of my fellow walkers I say: they actually DON’T keep the scones in the refrigerated cabinet) and wondering what tender mercies South Western Railways have in store for me on the way home - what signal failures, what broken down trains, what emergencies requiring the attendance of the emergency services and necessitating terminating a train at Surbiton at 10.30pm and requiring one to pay £28 for a taxi to Richmond... (you may have noticed a bit of recent experience creeping in there...) And during such crises, will the onboard train guards, who strike so resolutely in defence of their public utility, actually have any information of any use whatsoever to offer passengers - anything better that I can get from the live train app, anyway?

  • Thu, 23-Jan-20

    4 three got off two trains at about 11.30 to join one motorist. We set off in low wet cloud getting to the Red Lion quite quickly for an excellent lunch. It was drier and clearer as we walked up the famously muddy path after lunch although there has been so much rain you could walk in the mud free stream bed for much of the way. Low cloud again towards the top so we did not visit the temple. Two of us had tea in Darnleys which stays open to 5.00 PM. An enjoyable day out and many thanks to those who had the persistence to get to Haslemere.

  • Gabriella Palmano
    Thu, 23-Jan-20

    I was the one who continued alone after lunch to Leatherhead along the River Mole and jolly pretty it was too. Not too muddy and certainly not flooded. An enjoyable finale to a good days walk. I loved the mist up on the top, it added to the atmosphere. Thank you guys, for salvaging a walk from the wreckage at Waterloo.

    Much to my surprise and pleasure I was permitted to use my return ticket from Haslemere on the Leatherhead line, and the trains were running fine, so all‘s well that ends well.

  • Thu, 23-Jan-20

    So 12 in all, by my calculation.

    I forgot to mention, by the way, that annoyingly just minutes after we left Waterloo, we found our from the online train tracker that the 10.15 to Haslemere did after all depart, just 15 minutes late. It is the complete lack of information from the train companies in these situations that is so teeth-grinding. The train obviously was there or approaching Waterloo when we decamped to the Box Hill train: if they could just have said that to waiting passengers rather than just having it on the board as “delayed”

Saturday 24-Aug-19

14.0km / 8.7 miles
Toughness: 4 out of 10

A classic Book One walk through woodlands and heathland - should be a good time of the year for heather and bilberries.

Trains: Take the 10:00 from London Waterloo, arriving at Haslemere at 10:51. There are 4 return trains per hour from Haslemere, with the quicker services at xx:02, xx:32.

Lunch: The Red Lion (tel 01428 643 112) by the village green at Fernhurst.
Haslemere has plenty of places for refreshments. For tea/cake head to Darnleys or Hemingways in the High Street. Also on the High Street are the Swan Inn (Wetherspoons) and the White Horse Hotel.

Sunday 24-Mar-19

Mr M Tiger
Mr M Tiger
Book 1 walk 22
Difficulty 4/10 14 km, 8.7 miles
A beautiful walk through mixed woods and heathland. A traditionally muddy climb after lunch takes you up to Black Down, the highest point in Sussex, with fine views.
Trains: take the 09:30 Portsmouth Harbour train from Waterloo (Clapham Jct 09:39) arriving Haslemere at 10:32.
Trains return from Haslemere at xx:17 and xx:42.
Lunch: The Red Lion, Fernhurst (01428 643112). They like to be warned, so good idea to phone from the station.
Tea: Darnleys on Haslemere’s High Street or Hemingways across the road. There are at least two pubs on the High Street, The Swan and the White Horse. The station is 10 mins walk from the High Street.
Directions can be found here.
  • Barbara
    Tue, 19-Mar-19

    I would like to join ypu on this walk. Where in Waterloo Staion should we meet, unde the clock?

    Kind regards


  • Tue, 19-Mar-19

    Barbara....You may be lucky and have someone meet you under the clock but it's more usual to meet at the destination station either on the platform or near the ticket barrier. Look out for a group in typical walkers attire. If you haven't already looked at our guide for new members yet, have a look for the link at the top of the page.

  • Sat, 23-Mar-19

    Oh No Darnleys has closed!! Still there are other options.

  • Sun, 24-Mar-19

    21 on this walk on a dry sunny day. T-shirt weather for some and lunch at the Red Lion was al fresco. It’s probably been said before and no doubt it will be said again .... this is more than a 4. I reckon more like a 7. But an enjoyable walk all the same. Others agreed. Mudlarks squealed with delight on encountering the afternoon bridleway. “Even muddier than usual” said one. “Seen it muddier” growled Mr Tiger. Tea was taken mostly at Hemingways, the White Horse for others. On leaving, it was noticed that Darnley’s was not as closed as had been suggested. Unless, of course, those sipping tea inside were nought but wraiths – mere shadows of a bygone era.

Saturday 05-May-18

Haslemere Circular - Book 1 Walk 22
14.0km / 8.7 miles
Toughness: 4 out of 10

A classic Book One walk through woodlands and heathland with some great views.

Trains: Take the 10:00 from London Waterloo, arriving at Haslemere at 10:48. There are 4 return trains per hour from Haslemere, with the quicker services at xx:02, xx:32.

Lunch: The Red Lion pub (tel 01428 643 112) by the village green at Fernhurst.

Haslemere has plenty of places for refreshments. For tea/cake head to Darnleys or Hemingways in the High Street. Also on the High Street are the Swan Inn (Wetherspoons) and the White Horse Hotel.

  • Sat, 05-May-18

    10 It were hot and sunny

    Some bits of path had recovered from the wet winter, some hadn’t. :(

    There were some patches of bluebells but not enough to induce rapturous "ooh"s. At least, not in me.But then, I rarely display pleasure.

    There seemed to be a competition amongst subgroups to see who could get the most lost. I’m not sure who won. Maybe the people we never saw again. I myself only managed a minor deflection.

    Lunch seemed to go down well in the Red Lion’s garden. Unfortunately so did the drinks. This made the notoriously muddy post-prandial bridleway even more of a challenge. Damn you Mr Fuller! Damn your beer!

    Along the way, we made friends with some stripy cows and said hello to a few sheep.

    Good day out.

  • Sat, 05-May-18

    Well, if the Stripy One (the Tiger, not the cow) will drink the strongest beer on offer what can he expect.

    I also counted ten in our group, but there was also a group of three, and at least one further pair, doing the walk independently.

Wednesday 15-Nov-17

Length: 14.2 km (8.8 mi) [incl. detour to the Temple of the Winds]
Ascent/Descent: 370 m; Net Walking Time: ca. 4 ¼ hours
Toughness: 4 out of 10
Take the 10.30 Portsmouth Harbour train from Waterloo (Woking 10.55) , arriving Haslemere at 11.20 . From Clapham J take the 10.22 Haslemere train, arrives 11.17.
Return trains: four per hour, the fast ones are on xx.02 and xx.15.
This has not been posted on a Wednesday for 2 1/2 years, and then there was no walk report, so presumably no walkers showed up...
This very short walk routes through some very beautiful countryside, mainly National Trust land - mixed woods with heathlands of bracken, gorse, heather and bilberry, with some exceptionally fine views from Black Down , at 280 metres the highest point in both Sussex and the South Downs National Park. A detour to the Temple of the Winds, a spectacular viewpoint, is recommended.
Lunch: The Red Lion in Fernhurst (5.8 km/3.6 mi, food to 15.00).
Tea: Darnleys on High Street (open to 17.30); for alternative options see webpage.
For walk directions , map , height profile, photos , video and gpx/kml files click here . T=1.22
  • Wed, 08-Nov-17

    Hopefully this walk stands a chance of meeting Marion's strict criteria for a suitable choice for a mid-week walk.

  • Marion
    Mon, 13-Nov-17

    Thank you Marcus and will hopefully restore the popularity of our mid-week walks to our regulars. Lets hope for some good weather.

  • Anonymous
    Mon, 13-Nov-17

    But, has it got bluebells?

  • Marion
    Thu, 16-Nov-17

    12 off the train plus 2 arriving by car. Two newcomers- all the rest were our regulars and agreed on a great choice of walk in cloudy but later sunshine and good views in the afternoon. Excellent pub lunch enjoyed by 8 of us and all but one sandwich eater joined us in the pub so we all kept together. 5 did the shorter walk and all met up in Hemingways for delicious cakes and tea.

    Lovely hilly walk with no problems with route finding and plenty of delightful group synergy and conversation enjoyed by all. Several comments made reference length of walks suggesting that the winter solstice of early sunsets will ensure shorter walks and an early return to London for those with evening commitments to attend.

    I rest my case!

    Sad to hear that Pete B has serious health issues as does our lunch monitor P. Wishing them both a speedy recovery

  • Anonymous
    Fri, 17-Nov-17

    14 cloudy then sunny

Saturday 03-Dec-16

t=1.22 Length: 14km (8.7m)
Toughness: 4 /10
Transport: Take the 9:30 train from London Waterloo, arriving in Haslemere at 10:20. There are frequent trains back to London.

From the description:
This short walk is through very beautiful countryside. It is mainly National Trust land - mixed woods with blackberries and bluebells and heathlands of bracken, gorse, heather and bilberry, with fine views from Black Down (280 metres/919 feet), the highest point in both Sussex and the South Downs National Park. It is particularly lovely when the rhododendrons are in flower in late spring, although the heathland is at its most colourful in late summer.

  • Thu, 01-Dec-16

    I led this walk for the Ramblers a couple of weeks ago on a wet Saturday. There were only 5 of us, and we got fed in the pub, but a surprising number of tables were booked, so might be worth booking if you're a crowd.

    The rhododendrons seem to have been drastically cut back (assuming I was where I thought I was). Might be worth checking that part of the instructions.

  • Anonymous
    Sun, 04-Dec-16

    something like 22 on this walk though I forgot to count at the station and others I asked hadn’t counted either but all guessed over 20

    The weather was absolutely perfect all day for this with it being warm in the virtually continuous sunshine with only a brief patch of cloud in the afternoon.

    The highlight of the day for me was the view from the Temple of the Winds which was extremely clear and bright for miles - I have been here often before but this was the best time ever with still some autumnal colour around and views out to la manche

    A very dry day with mounds of leaves, of various hues of browns, rustling underfoot, strangely added to the pleasure of the walk with numerous people commenting on it - maybe we all remember the normal muddy days of late autumn / early winter.

    We all arrived at lunch at 11.40 so maybe we could have used a later train say ( 10.00 or even 10.30 ? )but luckily the Red Lion in Fernhurst was open and as another walking group just beat us there we had to queue for 15 minutes or so to get served. As we had made a courtesy call and warned the pub that we were coming we had tables reserved for us. The walking group ahead of us had to eat in the garden - rumour had it that they hadn’t phoned before hand. It was cold sitting outside so the picnicers left quickly but we inside in the warmth had to wait for our lunches so we spent something like 90 minutes there - my red mulltet and another in tomato sauce was very disappointing - I wonder if they have changed the chef since I was last here a year ago. Several made the choice of mulled wine or spiced cider with a free mince pie - not much good for the tea totalers - strange that it being a pub

    Tea in Hemingways for about 9 of us was fine though they have rather loud music which they refused to turn down despite being politely asked TWICE

    So the best day for walking and a perfect choice of walk but a bit on the low side for repasts - bon appetite for the next one

    Soo Brique

Saturday 28-May-16

CW1 Walk 22 - Haslemere round
Length: 14 km (8.7 miles).
Toughness: 4/10

Catch the 10:00 from Waterloo arrives Haslemere 10:48. (From Clapham Junction: 09:52, arr. Haslemere 10:45)

A favourite walk of Nicholas's and requested by Josefine who writes:

"Hello Andrew and everyone organising this site. Just to say you do a brilliant and completely professional job with this website and I love it! I am sure many, many people love and appreciate what you and your team do. It adds a wonderful quality to people's lives. That is what the walks meant to me when I went on them every week or almost every week, especially after Nicholas died. But I got out of the routine. There are so many things to do and I still work some weekends. I just looked at the website and am so impressed! It is fantastic!

I am sorry I have not come on walks for years. I am no longer directly involved with the Natural Death Centre, but I do fundraising for them, hold Natural Death Salons at my house and have organised the annual Poetry Challenge. I am a Patron of the NDC now, it is an honorary position. I am so glad the NDC gets much needed support from the walkers! A big thank you for that!

I have been talking with a couple of friends and former Saturday Walkers who walked with Nicholas and me in the '90s to come on a walk. I want do a Haslemere Round walk in May. I will definitely buy you a drink if you or other organisers are on that walk. It should be part of the routine on Saturday Walks, don't you think so?

My best wishes to you, and to all the walkers who remember Nicholas and me.

Hats off to you for a brilliant job to keep this going! Nicholas would be so very proud of what you are doing! I am very proud and very happy about it! THANK YOU!

The Natural Death Centre will be 25 years old on 14 April this year. I am holding a small fundraising event with Rosie of the NDC as a speaker and others to talk about the massive movement and changes that have occurred with help of the NDC since we started. This is a Natural Death Salon NW2 at my house on Sunday 19 June.

If anyone were interested in coming to this or other Natural Death Salons I hold, they are most welcome to contact me. I also host Death Cafes at La Brioche in West Hampstead. There is one on Monday 21 March.

The Saturday Walkers Club must have a 20th anniversary coming up in a couple of years! I hope it continues for a very long time!

All good wishes,



www.facebook.com/deathcafehampstead "

  • Mon, 23-May-16

    Just for those who do not know, Josefine is the widow of Nicholas Albery, author of Time Out Country Walks Volume 1 and the founder of the SWC. He tragically died in a car accident in 2001.

    More on NIcholas and the early history of the club can be found in the HISTORY section on this page


    However, you don't have to have known Nicholas to come on this walk. It is a normal SWC walk and anyone is welcome, newcomer or old timers alike

  • Anonymous
    Thu, 26-May-16

    is Josephine actually going on this walk ?

  • Thu, 26-May-16

    She specifically requested it because she said she wanted to do it, so presumably yes

  • Marion
    Sat, 28-May-16

    Sorry Josphine but as usual Saturday is my busiest day day at work. Thats why we started the Wednesday mid-week walks for those who can't walk weekends. Now that so many people are freelance or only work part time or have retired, the mid walk walks have really grown in popularity thanks to David Cooke who posted them for 10 years and now Mike Atkinson. Big thanks due to both.

  • Anonymous
    Sat, 28-May-16

    38 or 39 if you count the dog! Weather was warm, dry and sunny. A great walk as always and a few newcomers as well as some old timers and regulars.

Sunday 17-Jan-16

Mr M Tiger
Haslemere Circular
Book 1 walk 22
Difficulty 4/10
14km, 8.7 miles
A beautiful walk through mixed woods and heathland offering fine views from Black Down, the highest point in Sussex. A bridleway shortly after lunch has a reputation for ..er.....what was that group sang Tiger Feet? What's the m-word, rhymes with "thud"? If you're wearing your smartest trousers and new xmas boots, you could try looking for the detour suggested by "Em" on the walk's comments page. (But see discussion below)
Trains: take the 10:00 Haslemere train from Waterloo (Clapham Jct 10:09,) arriving 11:06
Trains return from Haslemere at xx:17 and xx:42
Lunch: The Red Lion, Fernhurst (01428 643112). They like to be warned, so good idea to phone from the station.
Tea: Darnleys on Haslemere’s High Street or Hemingways across the road. There are at least two pubs on the High Street, The Swan and the White Horse. The station is 10 mins walk from the High Street.
Directions for Haslemere Circular can be found here or in Book 1.
  • Anonymous
    Sun, 10-Jan-16

    This is the detour suggested by EM in the comments section:

    "The original book 1 walk instructs people to climb up a bridleway sharply uphill, continuing on for 800 metres, just before point 13. Somewhere along this path you eventually come out of a woody archway onto Black Down and its superb views. However, this path is one of the muddiest in the county. It is easy to avoid this mud by turning right at the bottom of the hill where the path starts. You head up a sloping grassy meadow and eventually reach the top of a hill, where if you turn left, you soon come onto the main area of Black Down that you would have reached through the bridleway anyway".

  • Sun, 10-Jan-16

    It's been a while since I did this walk, but EM's comment (from 2010) looks odd. My recollection is that the notoriously muddy section is in the climb through Reeth Wood, between points [11] & [12] (see para 28 in the online directions: "If it is very muddy at this point..."). At this point you're not yet on the open access NT land and I don't know if you can escape from the wood to a "sloping grass meadow".

    The book describes the 800m bridleway between points [12] & [13] as "somewhat winding" but doesn't mention any problems with mud here. In any case you can bypass this part of Black Down by taking the recommended diversion to the Temple of the Winds in para 32.

    Can anyone clarify the situation?

  • Mon, 11-Jan-16

    I have to admit I’ve always gone straight up this bridleway. But then I’ve got tigers feet. I thought the meadow off to the right rang true but I could be thinking of one on another walk. It’s been a while….

  • Anonymous
    Mon, 11-Jan-16

    Who is E M ?

  • Anonymous
    Mon, 11-Jan-16

    Who is Anonymous?

  • Thu, 14-Jan-16

    Note that the Jubilee line isn't running north of Waterloo this weekend. Northern and Bakerloo lines running as normal.

  • Anonymous
    Thu, 14-Jan-16

    It would be good to find a better climb onto Black Down. From the OS map, it looks possible to carry on along the road past the lunch pub, take the path left towards Lower House Farm and Lower Calhams, then the 1st left path up past Blackdown House onto Black Down and up to the Temple of the Winds. I don't know if this would be any better but please post feedback if you try it.

  • Anonymous
    Fri, 15-Jan-16

    I have written a walk from Haslemere which would indubitably be less muddy.

    However it involves some road walking.The walk is entitled The Temple of the four winds.

    The other drawback with it ifs that if walking it on a sunday it would involve

    getting a taxi back to Pulboroough at the end. This would be feasible if several people took part.


  • Anonymous
    Sun, 17-Jan-16

    3 on the "official" walk plus a group of 10 and another group of 6 doing the walk independently. dry ,_cloudy_and_cold_but_no_wind

    The previous night's snow was melting, dripping gently from the trees in the woods during the morning section. After lunch, 2 of us tried an alternative route onto Blackdown which turned out to be rather scenic. Blackdown and the Temple were the highlight - magical in light mist and the usually sandy paths and the surrounding hills were still covered in snow.

    The route we took was along the road past the pub, soon picking up a footpath on the left parallel to the road just after the cricket green. This veers away from the road, eventually joining a lane, where we turned left and followed the footpath east, then eventually left, northwards up a grassy slope with a vinyard on the right towards Blackdown House to join the original route at Ferndale Lane. I'd say it was 50% dry paths and 50% muddy paths so could be a drier route in better weather.

Saturday 11-Jul-15

I picked this message up off of the walk requests and thus Hugh's first choice is posted
I worked with Nicholas Albery on the 1st TOBCW, contributing 10 of the walks. I now live abroad, but will be visiting London in July and would love to join a Book 1 walk on Saturday July 11th. I would love to meet up with walkers who knew Nicholas and were around in the early days of the walking club, as well as meeting present-day members. If anyone would be interested in organising a walk from Book 1 that day, would it be possible to choose one of these walks (in order of preference):
22: Haslemere Circular
15: Leigh to Tunbridge Wells
44: Witley to Haslemere
I do hope it will be possible to organise this.
Hugh Kelly

Book 1 Walk 22: Haslemere Circular
Length: 14.0km (8.7 miles)
Toughness: 4 out of 10
Explorer 133 or Landranger 186
There is an OS map with the route drawn on it here

10:30 London Waterloo (Woking 10.55) arriving Haslemere at 11:20
This train doesn't stop at Clapham Junction so get the 10.22 from Clapham Junction which will get you to Haslemere at 11.16 and then just 4 minutes to wait for the Waterloo train to arrive.
4 return trains from Haslemere at XX. 02 XX. 15 XX .32 XX.39
Buy a return to Haslemere

The route is through very beautiful countryside. It is mainly National Trust land - mixed woods with blackberries and bluebells and heathlands of bracken, gorse, heather and bilberry, with fine views from Black Down (280 metres / 919 feet), the very highest point in both Sussex and the South Downs National Park.
It is a fairly short walk and the Temple of the Winds detour is highly recommended, (see the walk directions) and thanks to anon in the comments section for this
You came and look'd and loved the view,
Long known and loved by me,
Green Sussex fading into blue,
With one gray glimpse of sea.
well thanks to Alfred Lord Tennyson as well of course
A path just after the lunch pub can be very wet and muddy , even in dry weather: use appropriate footwear but a comment in the Updates and Feedback Section section says that they were okay with trainers and a stick.

The suggested lunchtime stop is a lovely fullers pub the Red Lion pub ( http://www.red-lion-fernhurst.co.uk/ according to this one http://www.theaa.com/pubs/fernhurst-the-red-lion-375765 dogs are welcome, tel 01428 643 112), by the village green at Fernhurst, offering quality home cooking. It serves food from noon until 2.30pm (I guess that you will arrive around 1.30pm)
They definitely appreciate a phone call when you leave the station to warn them that you are coming The village green opposite the pub has some benches where you can sit to eat a picnic .

The suggested tea place is Darnleys tearoom (tel 01428 643 048) on Haslemere High Street, which closes at 5.00 pm but Hemmingways ( http://www.hemingwayscoffeeshop.co.uk/ ) opposite seem to stay open throughout the afternoon and evening.
Alternatives are the Swan Hotel (a Wetherspoons), or the White Horse Hotel (food: midday-9.30pm Saturday), both in the High Street.
The station is a good ten minute walk from the town centre.
There is a bar at the Inn on the Hill opposite the station (though it can be walker unfriendly and didn't serve real ale the last time that I was there) and
Metro Café (tel 01428 651 535) is just before the station (open till 5.00pm Saturdays)

You will also find more details on the lunch and tea options and background to the walk here

  • Mon, 06-Jul-15

    Have booked for 14 peeps, in the garden, for 1.30, at the pub. There is a smokers shelter and a back room for us if it rains. She will email me the menu for us to peruse and pre order! [Goodness she must think we are the Ramblers]. Will have a few copies for you to read on the train, if you wish, and I will get an indication, at the arrival introduction, if I may, who lunches and who sandwiches.

  • Marion Watkinson a founder walk checker and Founder of the Mid week walkers
    Wed, 08-Jul-15

    I'm working every Saturday

    but would love to meet up with Hugh again. Are people planning on staying on somewhere after the walk for an evening meal? Or maybe Hugh could come out with the Mid week walkers where i should love to meet up and walk with him again.

  • Anonymous
    Thu, 09-Jul-15

    Thanks Pauline

  • Thu, 09-Jul-15

    Hi Marion and anyone who knows me, I am coming on the walk with Hugh, my first for many years! I look forward to walking together and talking...!

    See you on the train!

    My number is 07949 86 86 06. Best to send me texts.



  • Hugh
    Fri, 10-Jul-15

    Marion, sorry you can't join us this weekend, and that I'm flying home Monday so won't make it to a mid-week walk. Good to know you're still active in the walkers club.

    I'll be meeting the train at Haslemere as I'm staying nearby in Surrey.

  • Anonymous
    Sun, 12-Jul-15


    warm and sunny

    Far too many people to count but I'd say we were about 40. Fantastic walk.

  • Anonymous
    Sun, 12-Jul-15

    Glad to see the old favorite still very popular. Many thanks to Hugh, Josefine and other veterans who built a strong foundation for the club to grow and prosper. And thanks to all volunteers, past and presents, for the contributions over the years and for keeping this club so unique and enjoyable.

  • Sun, 12-Jul-15

    It was a glorious day! It was great to meet Leila again after so many years and John!

    Hugh and his sister met us at the station and we got deep into conversation all the way to the pub and got lost on the way there. After lunch, Jane, Hugh and Sheila, Martin and Catherine where the last to finish our meal and made our own way back, so we lost you all! But what a day! I so enjoyed it!

    Marion, Sorry you could not make it! We went to have tea at my hut and everyone enjoyed it. We left at 7pm, earlier than planned.