Greensand Way 1 : Witley to Haslemere via Thursley, Surrey Hills walk

Greensand Way Stage 1 : Gibbet Hill, Devil's Punch Bowl and Hindhead Common


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  • Witley to Haslemere. 26/3/18
    amib, Apr-18

    This 10 mile walk in the Surrey Hills represents part 1 of The Greensand Way, a long distance walk of 108 miles t'wixt Haslemere, Surrey and Ham Street in Kent. Today's walk was done in reverse for logistical reasons.

    Straight from the platform, the walk is under way, through a pleasant wooded section right up to the village of Brook. There's a shorter journey through woods, and then fields up to Thursley.

    The path then enters more open country, and ascends towards Gibbet Hill, with great views of The Devil's Punch Bowl on the right, and panoramic vistas once there. All with heavy traffic anonymously whizzing through the tunnel underneath.

    There's a further section of woodland walking and open country on the descent into the pleasant town of Haslemere.

    A very decent walk introducing The Greensand Way.