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Isle of Wight

Stormy seas near Ventnor Chale to Ventnor walk
Stormy seas near Ventnor

Chale to Ventnor walk

Jul-23 • Saturdaywalker

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Chale to Ventnor

A coastal walk on the Isle of Wight

Sandown aka Lake beach looking north

aka Lake beach looking north

May-08 • Saturdaywalker

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Lake to Ryde

The north east section of the coastal path: cliffs, Victorian promenades, and a quiet harbour.

Ventnor Isle of Wight

Isle of Wight

May-19 • Saturdaywalker

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Lake to Shanklin via Ventnor

Hilly SE corner of the Isle of Wight - Sandown Bay, the Landslip, Ventnor, and St Boniface and Luccombe Downs

Main facade, Appludurcombe House Ventnor to Godshill walk
Main facade, Appludurcombe House

Ventnor to Godshill walk

Jul-23 • Saturdaywalker

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Ventnor to Godshill via Appuldurcombe House

A downs walk via a ruined mansion to a picturesque village

CIMG8207 Yarmouth Harbour

Yarmouth Harbour

Jul-13 • Sean O'Neill

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Yarmouth Circular

The Isle of Wight coastal path, Tennyson Down, a nature reserve, and a disused railway.

Region Star # Walk Km Effort Ht. gain Description London
Isle of Wight 405 Chale to Ventnor 13.8 6 450 A coastal walk on the Isle of Wight
Isle of Wight 71 Lake to Ryde 21.0 4 275 The north east section of the coastal path: cliffs, Victorian promenades, and a quiet harbour. W
Isle of Wight 369 Lake to Shanklin via Ventnor 15.7 4 500 Hilly SE corner of the Isle of Wight - Sandown Bay, the Landslip, Ventnor, and St Boniface and Luccombe Downs W
Isle of Wight 410 Ventnor to Godshill via Appuldurcombe House 12.6 6 425 A downs walk via a ruined mansion to a picturesque village
Isle of Wight 72 Yarmouth Circular 19.3 5 325 The Isle of Wight coastal path, Tennyson Down, a nature reserve, and a disused railway. W