Birchington to Herne Bay walk

Easy coastal walks, passing the dramatic ruins at Reculver


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  • Birchington on Sea to Whitstable. 27/4/13.
    amib, May-13

    The Greek Gods Boreus and Apollo looked down favourably on this walker today making this a fine 12.7 mile coastal walk.

    Shortly after leaving the station, the walker is soon on the cliff-top path with the distant sight of the twin towers of St Mary's Church ahead. This becomes the focus for the lunch time stop, which can be taken at a local hostelry nearby, or in Reculver country park, where there are a number of picnic tables.

    The section between Birchington and Reculver is the quietest, and, probably, the more scenic. After the country park, the walk passes through more urban terrain, until reaching the pleasant town of Whitstable, and its castle.

    A fine walk, if the elements allow it to be done as written, and the comments about it being hard on the joints are unfounded; there's always the possibility to come off the concrete and use the grass.

    Shame about yet another array of wind turbines to spoil the coastal horizon!

    (Some wind interference on audio).