Box Hill to Leatherhead Walk

Short, 2 steep climbs and the view from Box Hill in the morning, and a gentle river valley after lunch


This is a list of previous times this walk has been done by the club (since Jan 2010). For more recent events (since April 2015), full details are shown.

Date Option Post # Weather
Sat, 08-Feb-25 Box Hill Circular via Mickleham (higher route) 3 misty
Wed, 21-Feb-24 Box Hill to Leatherhead 1 very wet in the morning some drizzle after lunch
Fri, 08-Sep-23 Evening Sunset Special: Boxhill Circular 7 warm summer
Sun, 30-Jul-23 Box Hill to Leatherhead 8 Morning sunshine gave way to cloud with intermittent drizzle
Sat, 03-Dec-22 Box Hill to Leatherhead - River Mole, Box Hill, Juniper Top and White Hill 9 cold day with a chilly wind in exposed areas
Wed, 05-Oct-22 Box Hill to Leatherhead - River Mole, Juniper Top, White Hill then descend to Mickleham 9 cloudy then showery
Wed, 05-Jan-22 Box Hill to Leatherhead (or back to Box Hill) - River Mole, Box Hill, Juniper Top, White Hill, Mickleham - then on to Leatherhead or back to Box Hill 20 crisp and cold and delightfully sunny all day
Sat, 12-Dec-20 Box Hill to Leatherhead (or Box Hill Circular) 14 cloudy with sunny spells
Sat, 10-Oct-20 A Box Hill walk with oodles of options 11 cloudy
Thu, 19-Sep-19 Evening Walk: Sunset on Boxhill 7 sunny warm conditions perfect for a sunset walk
Thu, 13-Sep-18 Thursday Evening Sunset Walk to Boxhill 8 clear skies with some cloud for perfect sunset conditions
Sat, 09-Dec-17 Box Hill to Leatherhead - a traditional pre-Christmas treat 20 gorgeous sunny day
Sat, 10-Dec-16 Saturday First Walk - a pre-Christmas favourite 10 cloudy but dry
Sun, 13-Dec-15 1 – Two steep hills and the Mole valley 10 dry some mist in the morning and brighter later
Sat, 22-Nov-14 Box Hill to Leatherhead Walk 21
Wed, 16-Jan-13 Box Hill to Leatherhead Walk
Sat, 12-May-12 Box Hill to Leatherhead Walk
Sun, 08-Jan-12 Box Hill to Leatherhead Walk
Sat, 03-Dec-11 Box Hill to Leatherhead Walk
Sun, 21-Nov-10 Box Hill to Leatherhead Walk
Sat, 20-Mar-10 Box Hill to Leatherhead Walk
Sat, 05-Dec-09 Box Hill to Leatherhead Walk
Sun, 05-Apr-09 Box Hill to Leatherhead Walk
Sat, 29-Nov-08 Box Hill to Leatherhead Walk
Sun, 31-Aug-08 Box Hill to Leatherhead Walk
Sun, 30-Dec-07 Box Hill to Leatherhead Walk
Sat, 08-Dec-07 Box Hill to Leatherhead Walk
Sun, 22-Jul-07 Box Hill to Leatherhead Walk
Fri, 29-Dec-06 Box Hill to Leatherhead Walk
Sat, 09-Dec-06 Box Hill to Leatherhead Walk
Sun, 01-Oct-06 Box Hill to Leatherhead Walk

Saturday 08-Feb-25

Book 1 Walk 49 – Box Hill Circular via Mickleham (higher route) with easier afternoon options.

Length: 11.5 km (7.1 miles). Toughness 5/10

10:24 London Waterloo SWR Dorking service, 10.33 Clapham Junction, arrives Box Hill and Westhumble 11.11

Buy a return to Box Hill and Westhumble (or Dorking is the same price)

Return trains are at xx.35 to Waterloo and xx.46 to Victoria

Lee River Country Park This is a short walk but quite a strenuous one, with two big hill climbs in the morning. In the afternoon do a Box Hill Circular, looping back to Box Hill Station after the Mickleham pub, following the higher route which climbs up onto the ridge, with fine views down into the valley. For an easier afternoon option, you could follow the lower route or the route to Leatherhead - both are included in the directions and distances are roughly the same.

Lunch: Mickleham has two pubs. The Running Horses (tel. 01372-388422) on Old London Road, opposite the church. and The King William IV (tel.01372-372590). Booking ahead is necessary for both these lunch pubs. The church at Mickleham has benches and makes a good picnic spot. Tea: The Stepping Stones pub is a possible choice: or for an open air tea option, carry on past the pub to the main road, take the underpass to cross the road and turn left: just beyond the roundabout is Ryka's open air cafe popular with bikers.

For full details and to download your copy of the directions see the L=1.49 page.

  • Thu, 06-Feb-25

    I'm told by someone who did this walk recently that the higher return route to Box Hill has has re-opened again, following tree works there, but there are some fallen trees. If you don't want to navigate those, you can instead take the parallel path higher to your right. To do that, carry on past the picnic benches then take the wide path on your left, rejoining the official route via the steps down later on. This path also has the benefit that it's usually firm underfoot.

  • Fri, 07-Feb-25

    The current edition of my walk notes has this walk's Toughness rating as 7 - due to the two steep climbs in the morning, which some find challenging. A rating of 5 might reflect the short length of the walk, but could mislead someone new to the walk in believing the ascents - and one steep descent - are easier than they are. But it makes a great winter walk, with two excellent lunch pubs to choose from - so suggest leave the sandwiches behind !

  • Sat, 08-Feb-25

    The weather was unspeakably foul when I left home but after the recent run of bumper turnouts, I was still surprised that only3 south London residents gathered on the Westhumble platform. It's customary at this point to say "Where was everybody? It turned out fine"; in fact it was misty all day, with initial drizzle followed by heavier rain on the hilltops, easing into a dry, quite pleasant afternoon. There was lots of mud though.

    We all had sandwiches so ate in the Mickleham church porch before looking round the church in more detail trying to work out which were the old bits: among others there is a bit of 10th century wall. We stopped for warming drinks at the Wild About Coffee kiosk by the sawmill, then managed to find a way back to Westhumble that avoided climbing over any tree-trunks, and got there just in time for the 1535.

Wednesday 21-Feb-24



A short walk with two steep climbs and the view from Box Hill in the morning, and a gentle river valley after lunch.

Length: 11.5m km (7.1 miles)

Difficulty: 7 out of 10

Trains: 10.24 train from London Waterloo (Vauxhall 10.28, Clapham Junction 10.33), arriving Box Hill and Westhumble at 11.11.

Return trains from Leatherhead 15.10/40/54, 16.28//40/54, 17.28/40

Buy a return to Box Hill and Westhumble.

Lunch: There are two pubs in Mickleham - The Running Horses and the King William IV.

Tea: There are some cafes in the shopping centre in Leatherhead. See directions for more details.


  • Fri, 23-Feb-24

    I will delay reporting the number in my group - me, myself and I - as I suspect a number of Wednesday regulars were probably on the posted train, whilst I was thirty minutes ahead of them, intending to book check the route, which would have slowed me down. This task proved near impossible as the rain was relentless in the morning, only easing after midday. I did not meet up with any other SWC walkers all day - I stopped at the Running Horses for lunch - perhaps anyone behind me chose the King William 1V ?

    As for the walk, the two steep inclines in the morning do not get any easier with the passing of time. My knees protested when climbing the steps up White Hill - and the very steep descent off the hill was difficult in the wet - but fortunately I made the Running Horses pub safely. The pub was surprisingly busy considering the weather, but I found a space in the cosy bar area to dry off before enjoying an excellent meal.

    After lunch, when on this walk, I usually double back to Box Hill on the pleasant Valley route, but as the morning rain had now morphed into an overcast, drizzly afternoon I opted to continue to Leatherhead, on the off-chance of meeting up with anyone else on this walk. No such luck !

    Weather: very wet in the morning some drizzle after lunch . The route was very muddy in places but I am sure not as bad as Alice reported on Sunday's Chorleywood to Chesham walk. Despite the rain this walk is always enjoyable and I had a very good day in perfect company !

  • Sun, 25-Feb-24


Friday 08-Sep-23

SWC 49: Boxhill Circular t=1.49
Distance: 6.5 miles or 10.5 km for those more metrically minded
Difficulty: 6 out of 10
Train: 17:24 Dorking bound train from London Waterloo, arriving Box Hill & Westhumble at 18:11. Return trains 21:35; 21:46; 22:35 and 23:18
It is that time of year again! With the fading days of summer and a fine forecast — all looks in order for our annual sunset walk. This year, we will revert to the Box Hill circular route, enjoyed a few years back. We first head up Box Hill and enjoy the sunset, then have an evening meal in Mickleham before returning to Box Hill along a clear path in the dark. More information on the route can be found here.
  • Sat, 09-Sep-23

    Six assembled on the platform from the slightly delayed train for formalities on a warm summer 's-evening. We soon bumped into 7 who had taken a bus...up we went, catching glimpses of the setting sun and enjoying the fab view from the escarpment. We arrived at Juniper Top just minutes after the sun set (had the train not been delayed -- would have been perfect) -- but were still rewarded with a nice afterglow. We arrived at the William IV about 8pm and enjoyed a nice meal on their patio - two then caught the bus, leaving the remaining 5 to complete the walk back in the dark...Along the way, w-2-glow-worms were spotted.

Sunday 30-Jul-23


Length: 11.5m km (7.1 miles)

Difficulty 7 out of 10

Trains: 10.02 train from London Waterloo (Clapham Junction 10.12), arriving Box Hill and Westhumble at 10.51.

Return trains from Leatherhead xx.15, xx.21, xx.45 and xx.51

Buy a return to Box Hill and Westhumble.

This is a short but hilly walk with a strenuous morning an a gentler afternoon.

Lunch: There are two pubs in Mickleham - The Running Horses and the King William IV.

Tea: There are some cafes in the shopping centre in Leatherhead. See directions for more details.


  • Mon, 31-Jul-23

    Seven off the train at Box Hill tackled the two steep hills before lunch in Mickleham where another joined having taken a different morning route making 8 in total.

    Morning sunshine gave way to cloud with intermittent drizzle in the afternoon.Six had a picnic in the churchyard,two went to the Running Horses which was fully booked with diners so, on to the King William IV where one dined and one had coffee. The picnickers extracted them from the pub before continuing to Leatherhead where seven tried out a new cafe called Charlie and Ginger which had good tea and reasonably good coffee and some very sweet cakes which more than replaced the calories burnt up in the morning. The cafe group caught the 15.45 train back to London where rain had set in for the evening..

Saturday 03-Dec-22

Book 1 Walk 49 - Box Hill to Leatherhead

Length: 11.5 km (7.1 miles)
Toughness: 7 out of 10 Two challenging climbs in the morning and one steep descent
London Victoria: 09-41 hrs Southern stopping service to Horsham CJ 09-48 Sutton 10-13 hrs
Arrive Box Hill & Westhumble: 10-37 hrs

Box Hill & Westhumble to Victoria: direct services at 46 mins past the hour
Leatherhead to Victoria: 24 and 51 mins past the hour
Leatherhead to Wimbledon (Waterloo services starting here today): 28 & 51 mins past the hour
Rail ticket: buy a day return to Box Hill & Westhumble
Unless you are new to the SWC, today's walk requires no introduction. After crossing the River Mole you have a steep but steady climb to the top of Box Hill with its viewing point. From here you either take a path through light woodland or along the contours of Box Hill to the Smith and Western bar grill, where you can stop for elevenses (if open). On through woodland to the grassy Juniper Top, which you descend whilst enjoying the views. At the bottom of this slope you have a steep climb up White Hill before you drop down - at times steeply - to the village of Mickleham, where you stop for lunch at one of its two pubs. The King William 1V pub is perched on the hillside, a short distance off the main route. The Running Horses is in the village opposite the church. Both are good and may be busy, so best 'phone ahead to check availability (see the Directions for the details). Your e.t.a time at both is between 12-15 and 12-30 pm.
After lunch you have a choice. You can continue on the route of the original TO Book walk, on the flat, at times beside the River Mole, all the way into Leatherhead, or you can opt to double back to Box Hill on one of several routes detailed in the walk Directions.
This walk may be short in distance but it is hard work pre-lunch and makes for a very satisfying and enjoyable winter's outing.
Walk Directions are here: L=1.49
  • Sat, 03-Dec-22

    9 of us off the train at Box Hill station. No car drivers. It was a cold day with a chilly wind in exposed areas , but fine in the woods and on the two climbs. The sun decided to take a day off, so it was overcast, but clear. The view from the summit of Box Hill was good. There was still some late leaf colour in places to add to our enjoyment of the views on offer all along today's walk.

    Mud levels were very manageable today although it was noticeable that footpaths were beginning to "mud up" now that meteorological winter has arrived.

    The two climbs were tough - I do declare they get steeper every year - but we all made it to Mickleham without anyone collapsing in distress. But some aged knees took a hammering.

    My eight companions opted to picnic in the pleasant churchyard opposite the pub, whilst I entered the pub and enjoyed an excellent lunch washed down with a pint. My companions continued their walk to Leatherhead and I had difficulty forcing myself away from the cosy fire in the pub, but eventually did so, to set out on the valley route back to Box Hill station. The 15-46 hrs service arrived on time and an hour later I was back in Victoria, having enjoyed a grand day out. But I expect my knees will give me gyp in the morning...........

  • Sat, 03-Dec-22

    The walk to Leatherhead was pleasanter and more interesting than I remembered, despite the cold north wind. We spread out in the town in search of tea options; four of us settled for a busy Costa then made a dash for the 1524 train.

    Thanks for posting Marcus, a good walk for a short day

Wednesday 05-Oct-22

Aslef train drivers are on strike today - but not drivers employed by the Southern and South Western train companies (as of 27 September)
Book 1 Walk 49 - Box Hill to Leatherhead
Length: 11.5 km (7.1 miles)
Toughness: 7 plus out of 10 two steep ascents, one steep descent
London Waterloo: 10-24 hrs South Western service to Dorking Clapham Junction 10-33, Wimbledon 10-40 hrs
Arrive Box Hill & Westhumble: 11-11 hrs
London Victoria: 10-15 hrs Southern service to Littlehampton
Arrive Clapham Junction: 10-21 hrs. Change trains
Leave Clapham Junction: 10-33 hrs South Western service to Dorking (as above)
Arrive Box Hill & Westhumble: 11-11 hrs

Leatherhead to Waterloo: 10 & 40 mins past the hour
Leatherhead to Victoria: 24 & 51 mins past the hour
Box Hill to Waterloo: 35 mins past the hour
Box Hill to Victoria: 46 mins past the hour
Rail ticket: buy a day return to Box Hill & Westhumble
Don't dismiss this walk as being too short in length for you. It's actually hard work - with two very steep and lengthy ascents in the morning, and a tricky steep descent from White Hill. But the walk is highly enjoyable with fine views from the summit of Box Hill.
You have a choice of two pubs in the village of Mickleham for your lunch. The Running Horses is on the main route. The King William 1V is slightly off the main route, perched on a hillside. Both are very good.
After lunch in Mickleham, the Book 1 route takes you on to Leatherhead, on the flat and at times beside the River Mole. But if you prefer you can double back to Box Hill via woodland and hills.
For tea in Leatherhead or Box Hill please refer to the walk directions.
Walk Directions are here: L=1.49
  • Mon, 03-Oct-22

    Thank you for choosing a walk I can get to by bus - strike or no. However the bus and train timetables may not dovetail, so I hope to see people en route (or at the William IV) if not at the station

  • Mon, 03-Oct-22

    What time are you meeting at Box Hill?

  • Tue, 04-Oct-22

    Nina, the meeting place is Box Hill & Westhumble railway station car park at 11-11 hrs. From the station It should take you circa 45 mins to reach the summit of Box Hill (the viewing point), with nearby car park.

  • Wed, 05-Oct-22

    Six walkers arrived by train, with one bus traveller (me) meeting them at the station and two more waiting for us at the viewpoint on Box Hill, making9 in all. There was a brief mention of the visitor centre cafe, but we were urged to press on before the forecast rain. Rain?? Nobody warned me. We tackled the steep climbs in the dry but sure enough, it started to drizzle as we descended from Juniper Top, and a number of heavier showers followed. So cloudy then showery .

    It was rather wet by the time we got to Mickleham where the picnickers found shelter in the porch of the Church. Two departed from there by bus, while the others joined the five pub-goers at the William IV just before their delicious-looking lunches arrived.

    After a convivial chat about various visits to warmer climes we split up, the Box Hill starters heading back to their car while the rest of us returned to Westhumble by the low road. I think this was a smart move as it provided good if not complete shelter from the heaviest rain. The weather cleared as we manoeuvred round an obstreperous cow in the field before the village. Thanks again for posting a good choice of walk for a short but sweet day in the circs.

Wednesday 05-Jan-22

Book 1, Walk 49 - Box Hill to Leatherhead

Length: 11.5 km (7.1 miles) finishing in Leatherhead, or 6 miles if returning to Box Hill
Toughness: 7 plus out of 10 Two steep, tough ascents, one steep descent, remainder steady going
London Waterloo: 10-24 hrs SouthWestern service to Dorking CJ: 10-33 hrs Wimbledon: 10-40 hrs
Arrive Box Hill: 11-11 hrs
Please Note: The reopening of Southern Rail's platforms (8 to 19) at London Victoria after Xmas engineering work has been delayed until 10 January, hence there is not the usual Victoria service today to Box Hill.
Return: Box Hill to Waterloo: 35 mins past the hour
Leatherhead to Waterloo: direct trains at 10 mins and 40 mins past the hour
Rail ticket: buy a day return to Box Hill & Westhumble
Most of you will be familiar with this walk, so I will not ramble on for too long. Leaving Box Hill railway station we head for the River Mole which we cross on stepping stones (or if covered by the river, we cross a footbridge a short distance east). Then we have a steep climb to the top of Box Hill via six flights of steps. At the top, we take a breather whilst enjoying a fine view from the summit's viewing point. Onwards then to Ashurst Rough and through woodland to Juniper Top, where we have more panoramic views as we drop down this grassy way to the bottom of White Hill. The climb up White Hill - again, via a long flight of steep steps - is hard work, but from the top the going becomes easier. We need to take care when descending the hill - a walking pole comes in handy - but once at the bottom we come out beside St Michael & All Angels Church, Mickleham. Opposite the church is our recommended pub stop - the Running Horses. There is another excellent pub in Mickleham, the King William IV - directions to it are noted in the main Directions. Today's picnic spot for sandwichers is in the grounds of the church.
After lunch in Mickleham, we have a choice of onward route. The Book 1 route to Leatherhead is not that exciting: it's neither unpleasant nor pleasant, just unremarkable. So I usually choose to double back to Box Hill via woodland - it takes 55 minutes. If you wish you can by-pass the station and head for Denbies for tea, before returning to the railway station for your journey home. Other refreshment options are noted in the Directions.
Walk Directions are here: L=1.49

  • Tue, 04-Jan-22

    Does anyone know what happened to the walk route in green gone to? The map of the walk is there but not the green directions?


  • Tue, 04-Jan-22

    @Monica. Yes, something was broken.

    (Long answer: I started to change something to handle the edge case of 2+ markers in the same place, e.g. 3 walks starting from the same station. Then I forgot about it. This broke the bits I hadn't yet changed. Later I came across these broken bits and, wondering why, fixed them, thus breaking the bits I had previously changed. Javascript doesn't handle errors very gracefully, it just stops. The 'green' lines are drawn after the start/stop markers, so they never got drawn)

  • Wed, 05-Jan-22

    Many thanks Andrew I can see the green line is back on SWC walk routes. Many thanks for for fixing it.


  • Wed, 05-Jan-22

    With some later starters, some of whom caught up with us at lunchtime, we numbered a nice round 20 today. After the dreary, mild, yucky weather over most of the festive period, what a joy it was to walk today in proper winter weather: crisp and cold and delightfully sunny all day . More, please !

    It was muddy in places, as to be expected, and the ascents of Box Hill and White Hill proved challenging for some of us oldies: with the passing years these climbs do not get any easier - and I cannot think why.

    Arriving in Mickleham at the Running Horses pub, eight of us dined in the pub's restaurant area, and a number of our picnickers had a drink in the cosier bar area. Our dishes arrived promptly - beautifully presented, and although helpings looked to be on the modest side, the food was delicious and surprisingly filling. With friendly staff attending to all our needs, this pub lunch experience was an excellent one. More, please !

    After lunch, most walkers set off to return to Box Hill, by two routes, and one walker called in to Denbies for tea - I'm not sure what the others did. I donned my anti-social hat and set off alone to Leatherhead, to book check the afternoon leg of the official TO Book route.

    A lovely winter's day walk - but after all those steep steps, some of us will have a few aches come tomorrow.............

Saturday 12-Dec-20

This walk has chosen by Branchline, who also provided the details below:
Length: 11.5km (7.1 miles)
Toughness: 7 out of 10 (two big hill climbs) T=1.49

Trains: 9.54 London Waterloo, 9.57 Vauxhall, 10.02 Clapham Junction, 10.06 Earlsfield, arrives Box Hill 10.41
Buy a day return to Box Hill and Westhumble. Trains from Waterloo to Box Hill are operated by South Western Railway: the station is also served by Southern trains from Victoria. Make sure your ticket is valid on South Western or is "any permitted"
For walk directions click here, for GPX click here, for a map of the route click here.
This is a short walk but quite a strenuous one, with two big hill climbs in the morning. In the afternoon you can either carry on to Leatherhead, or - highly recommended - do a Box Hill Circular, looping back to Box Hill Station after the Mickleham pub. There are two options here: an easier route, still very rural, along the river and rail line, or a harder one which climbs up onto the ridge, with fine views down into the valley. The walk directions, GPX and map include all these options.
Lunch: Mickleham has two pubs. The first is the Running Horses (tel. 01372-372279) on Old London Road, opposite the church. The pub serves an excellent choice of main meals and deep-filled sandwiches and has a log fire in winter. The pub’s management likes walkers to take off their walking boots, so please comply. The second pub, the King William IV freehouse, (tel.01372-372590), is much smaller, perched on a hill above the A24. It also serves good food and good beer and being small (40 covers inside), is cosy. It has a partly covered outdoor area. Booking ahead is always recommended for lunch pubs. COVID rules apply. See above for the rules.
Tea: Leatherhead has various tea options. Near Box Hill station, the Stepping Stones pub is a possible choice: or for an open air tea option, carry on past the pub to the main road, take the underpass to cross the road and turn left: just beyond the roundabout is Ryka's, an open air cafe popular with bikers and open till 5pm (last orders 4.45pm).
Trains back from Leatherhead are at 10, 13, 23, 40, 44 and 53 past the hour
Trains back from Box Hill are at 05 and 35 past to Waterloo and 40 past to Victoria: all these trains to Epsom and Clapham Junction and take about the same time to get to London
  • Thu, 10-Dec-20

    I'd love to suggest a walk but, as I live in a Tier 3 area, I'm only allowed to be in a "gathering" outside with one other person.

  • Thu, 10-Dec-20

    We might be in the same position soon, judging by the latest news reports....

    But someone has said they might put up a post

  • Thu, 10-Dec-20

    But are you sure you have the Tier Three rules correct? I just checked and "the rule of six" seems to still apply in Tiuer Three: you are just not supposed to travel outside your area

  • Thu, 10-Dec-20

    Actually, @Walker is right (well, half right - there aren't any restrictions on travel, as such.) The legislation in question (The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (All Tiers) (England) Regulations 2020, since you ask) says:

    (2) No person living in the Tier 3 area may participate in a gathering outside that area which

    (a)takes place outdoors ........ and consists of more than six people,

    So, yes, the "Rule of Six" would apply to SWC walks.

  • Fri, 11-Dec-20

    It should be less about the legislation and more about the objectives of the restrictions. Our emphasis should be about minimising risk of spreading, not what we can get away with.

  • Fri, 11-Dec-20

    I entirely agree with PeteG - infection rates are rising alarmingly in West Kent - and East Sussex isn't looking too special, either. Box Hill & Brockham, on the other hand, is improving.

  • Sun, 13-Dec-20

    BOX HILL TO LEATHERHEAD Walk 49 with an option to do a very scenic loup back to Box Hill station Sat 12 Dec 20

    14 on this walk (13 at the station and 1 joined near the NT café), on a day cloudy with sunny spells . We broke up into our small groups and set off speedily as there were no less than 4 walking groups congregating separately in the forecourt.

    This was a very strenuous walk, but great views to be had throughout the walk. 6 of us had lunch in the churchyard new the King William iv pub in Mickleham. We then continued in weather which got sunnier; indeed looking across we could see Juniper Hill in full sunlight. As we finished the walk in good time, and having a desire to extend the walk a little (in reality looking for tea), we were guided by one of our group to Denbies tea room. Here some of us got a takeaway, and others sat down indoors for a well earned cuppa tea, cake or sandwich. Then continued onto Dorking through the vineyard in the gathering dusk.

    En route to Denbies, our path crossed with that of one of our walkposters who was completing a different walk, and who cheered us by confirming that the tea room was indeed open.

    A lovely walk.

Saturday 10-Oct-20

Length: various from 11.5km (7.1 miles) to 18.8km (10.4 miles) plus see option 4 below for a longer walk T=1.49
Toughness: some steep hill climbs
9.24 train from Waterloo (9.33 Clapham Junction) to Box Hill, arriving 10.11
9.25 train from Victoria (9.32 Clapham Junction) to Box Hill, arriving 10.19
In normal times I would say that the Waterloo train is the "official" one, and those on the Victoria one could walk faster and catch us up, but since we have to split into groups of no more than six anyway, either train is as good as the other, and the only circumstance in which the Waterloovilles should wait for the Victorians is if there are fewer than six of them.... In case you are wondering why I didn't pick the 9.54 from Waterloo, the Capital Walkers have nabbed that one: but they are doing a different route from us. Nevertheless, if any of our walkers want to canvass support for using that train, use the comments function.
Buy a day return to Box Hill & Westhumble

Links: Box Hill to Leatherhead: directions, GPX and map. Box Hill Circular: directions, GPX and map

Now pay attention at the back, because this gets a little complicated. There are four options:
1) My idea in posting this walk was to give an airing to book 1 Box Hill to Leatherhead walk - once much loved, but these days considered too short (11.5km/7.1 miles) to merit our attention. Nevertheless, you may care to do that today. You can finish in Leatherhead, or loop back to Box Hill. Two routes are given for the latter, but no distances, but the shorter one looks to be about the same length as the Leatherhead ending and the longer one a bit longer.
2) An alternative idea is to do the Box Hill to Leatherhead walk as far as lunch in Mickleham (a strenuous 8.8km/4.25 miles with two big steep hill climbs), and then switch to the Box Hill Circular walk (SWC 64) to do its afternoon route, which is 10km (6.2 miles): so 18.8km (10.45 miles) in all (with more steep hills in the afternoon, so it might feel a bit longer than that). You have to do the main afternoon route, since the short cut afternoon would be mostly going back the way you have just come.
3) Or you could just do the Box Hill Circular as it is written. It is 6.3km (3.9 miles) to lunch at Mickleham by this route, and the whole walk is 16.3km (10.1 miles). After lunch by this route you have the option of doing a shorter ending of 13km/8.1miles or 13.5km/8.4 miles.
4) Want a longer walk? Look at the map for the Tadworth Circular, which intersects with this route in places.
With all these options, splitting into groups of no more than six should be no problem. Please share your details with others within your group for contact tracing.
For pub lunches on any of the walks, you are dependent on either the Running Horses or the King William IV in Mickleham. Both can be hard to get into at the best of times: the King William maybe slightly easier if it is dry and warm enough to sit out on its very nice patio. On the Box Hill to Leatherhead walk, the Smith & Western Bar and Grill - a restaurant - is an early option.
Tea should not be an issue. In Leatherhead there are the usual coffee outlets, if Annie's Tea Room is not/no longer open. On the Box Hill Circular, I personally tend to bypass the rather too popular National Trust tea kiosk on Box Hill and go down to Ryka's in the car park at the bottom of the slope. Your tea will be accompanied by petrol fumes from the bikers whose haunt it is, as well as noise from the nearby dual carriageway, but the service is much more efficient than at the NT kiosk. Both are open till 5pm. There is also the Stepping Stones pub on the way to the station, but Pilgrims Cycles and its cafe at the station itself, are currently "closed at the weekend for the forseeable future".
Trains back from Box Hill are at 05 and 35 past to Waterloo, 40 past to Victoria
Trains back from Leatherhead are at 10, 23, 40 and 53 past to Waterloo and 13 and 44 to Victoria.
All these trains go to Clapham Junction, so you can change there if you find yourself on a train to one terminal and want to go to another
  • Sat, 10-Oct-20

    Was anyone on the Victoria train? Seven got off the Waterloo one and another arrived at lunch, having got a train an hour later. So 8. But no Victorians were seen all day. If there were any, please file a separate report.

    Talk about social distancing. On the train there was a group of 40+ youth: some kind of school group? Inevitably they all got off at Box Hill station and it was quite a job disentangling from them.

    We seven quickly drew lots to see who had to walk by themselves (....) and then set off to do the book one route, with its two whopper hill climbs. Five had lunch on the patio of the King William IV, adding more and more layers to keep warm under the cloudy skies. We were the first to order and so got our food quickly.

    We never saw the sandwichers again, but acquired number eight at the pub and so were six when we left. We set off to do the afternoon of the Box Hill Circular, with its malicious, not to say sadistic, delight in sending us up hill and down dale. There was at times some lovely autumn colour. Special mention today goes to dogwood, which was everywhere a riot of maroon and red.

    After the final near vertical climb up onto Box Hill we found the National Trust tea kiosk miraculously free of a queue. The reason for this was soon apparent: they were “unable to serve hot drinks”, the THIRD time the NT has let me down in this way this summer. So we went down to Ryka’s, which seems to find marrying hot water to a tea bag less of a logistical challenge.

    Three then went to get the 5.05 train at Box Hill and three of us walked via Denbies Vineyard to Dorking. The autumn colour on this section was excellent, including yellow vine leaves, and large golden patches on birch, beech and Swedish whitebeam. I should mention too that colours on the descent from Box Hill were good too.

    We severally got the 18.05 to Waterloo and the 18.07 to Victoria, in the former of which I pen these lines.

  • Anonymous
    Sat, 10-Oct-20

    Three Victorians walked to Leatherhead. Sandwiched in Micklesham.

  • Sat, 10-Oct-20

    So 11 in all

Thursday 19-Sep-19

SWC: Boxhill Circular T=1.49

Distance: 7.1 miles or 11.5 km for those more metrically minded

Difficulty: 6 out of 10

Train: 17:24 Dorking train from London Waterloo, arriving Boxhill at 18:10 – buy a day return to Boxhill &Wetshumble

Return: Trains from Boxhill are at 21:40, 22:35 and 23:02

I would call this a “transitional shoulder-season” evening walk…starting in daylight, enjoying the sunset from Boxhill (especially on the descent along Juniper Top) followed by a meal in Mickleham and finishing (a short distance) in the dark along a valley path…About 8 of us tried this last year and found that it worked well....arriving at the pub just before dark and making our way easily along a very clear path at the edge of the woods back to Boxhill station. More information about the route can be found here, bring both instructions and map print-out...

Enjoy the walk!
  • Thu, 19-Sep-19

    the gpx suggests it's 10.4 km only, back along the valley route...?

  • Fri, 20-Sep-19

    Six off the designated train, including 4 repeat customers from last year's outing and one her very first SWC walk (who was not at all concerned about finishing in the dark....) We set off in sunny warm conditions perfect for a sunset walk and seemed to have Box Hill to ourselves in the lovely evening light with nice views over Dorking and the valley below. We arrived at the west facing Juniper Top just after the sun had set -- but the sky was a deep red providing a great backdrop for a picturesque silhouette of trees on the horizon (really spectacular). We took the route direct to the William IV, arriving just as complete darkness fell (slightly before 8pm). During a convivial evening meal, a 7th who had started later and gone to the Running Horses joined us for a post meal drink and rather jolly jaunt in the dark back to Box Hill through atmospheric woods with some nice stars and a 3/4 moon....So, a total of 7 on this most enjoyable evening...

Thursday 13-Sep-18

Book 1: Walk 49 -- A Boxhill Circular Sunset Special T=1.49
Distance: 7.1 miles or 11.5 km for those more metrically minded
Difficulty: 6 out of 10
Train: 17:24 Dorking train from London Waterloo, arriving Boxhill at 18:09
Return: Trains from Boxhill are at 21:40, 22:19; and 23:02

I would call this a “transitional shoulder-season” evening walk…starting in daylight, enjoying the sunset from Boxhill followed by a meal in Mickleham and finishing (a short distance) in the dark along a valley path…More information about the route can be found here.

Ps: You may want to bring a head torch....
  • Sandy
    Tue, 11-Sep-18

    Hi Stargazer, we talked about this but sadly I've got a work do and won't be able to make it. I'm disappointed as I'm sure it will be fun

  • Fri, 14-Sep-18

    Much to my very pleasant surprise, 8 assembled on the platform at Boxhill for this slightly unusual evening walk under clear skies with some cloud for perfect sunset conditions . For a change the weather actually cooperated with the hoped for atmospheric conditions and we were rewarded with a lovely sunset from the top of Boxhill and during the descent from Juniper Top. We arrived at the King William the 4th just as real darkness descended where pretty much all enjoyed a very tasty meal before setting off about 21:00 for the final stretch back to Boxhill in the dark. It was an atmospheric journey contouring the base of a hill in and out of woods....with some nice star sightings (including Mars) and some owls hooting...Arrived back in Boxhill about 22:00 just as a train was pulling -- we hopped aboard to see where it would take us...

Saturday 09-Dec-17

Box Hill to Leatherhead (Book 1, walk 49)
Length: 11.5km (7.1 miles) - but see ** below
Toughness: 7 out of 10

9.31 train from Victoria (9.37 Clapham Junction, 9.59 Sutton) to Box Hill & Westhumble, arriving at 10.21

Buy a day return to Box Hill & Westhumble.

For walk directions click here. For GPX click here.

Back in the early days of the SWC, when the world was young and Saturdays were always sunny, this was a popular outing in the run-up to Christmas. An energetic (there are two big steep hill climbs) but exhilarating morning, including fine views from Box Hill and Juniper Top, takes you Mickleham where the Running Horses is a great place for a festive lunch. After lunch there is just a short walk up the valley (an hour or so at most) to Leatherhead for tea. In short, a perfect outing for the shortest days of the year.

Latterly, as we have become more energetic ourselves, some find this original ending a bit tame, but the walk directions now includes a ** more vigorous afternoon option, which is to loop back through wooded hills to Box Hill station. This is a bit longer than the Leatherhead route but mainly just more hilly. (It could be extended a bit further, map-led, to have tea at Denbies Vineyard, if we can get there before it closes at 4.30pm. It is possible that my good friend Will Emerge may pop up to guide you on this route).

One word of warning about the morning route: as well as two big steep climbs (both on steps), it has one steep and rather treacherous descent to Mickleham. Take care on this: wet leaves on slippy chalk are not a good combination. Whether a less steep route is available on the alternative paths zig-zagging to the right is something a public-spirited person might check out.

The Running Horses is a deservedly popular pub. I have picked a train to get us there early so as to have a better chance of getting fed (and also made a modest booking). The alternative nearby is the not-unpopular King William IV. Otherwise, the Smith & Western, an American-themed restaurant about halfway through the morning (just before you turn inland off the Box Hill escarpment) is not a bad place to eat. It might be a good idea to phone to check availability at these places at the start of the walk.

Leatherhead is not short of tea places. Allow ten to fifteen minutes to walk from the high street to the station. Trains back from here are at 05, 11, 23, 33, 41 and 53 past the hour, the 05 and 33 going to Victoria, the others to Waterloo, with no major difference in travel times.

If you end at Box Hill trains are at 28 past till 18.28, then 19.01 and 01 past, though if you get to Denbies for tea it probably makes more sense to walk to Dorking which has several trains an hour. (Easiest route: walk down the driveway out of the estate, then veer right just after the railway bridge to shadow the main road to a roundabout, then keep ahead on pavements until the station entrance appears on the left: about 25 minutes walking: doable in the dark). T=1.49
  • Sandy
    Mon, 04-Dec-17

    I can't make it on Saturday but yes, there is a less steep descent (see warning in 3rd para) - when you get to the byway (Stane Street) tuen right instead of straight on down the hill. After about 400m there's a bridleway descending sharp left diagonally (not the first footpath after about 150m). This passes a prominent wrecked car and then emerges in Mickleham near the William IV.

    It's fairly clear on the 25 000 scale map

  • Fri, 08-Dec-17

    Or for an even less steep descent than the one by the wrecked car. Stay on the path up to the ridge of White Hill, bear left on open ground at the top to find the trig point. Then continue ahead on a grass path to reenter the woods to join Stain Street. Turn right for a few yards and then turn left down a broad track with a fence on your right. This is a gentle descent, at the bottom turn left along a broad track with a wall on your right and then take the first right down to the King Billy IV

  • Sat, 09-Dec-17

    20 on this walk on a gorgeous sunny day - perfect winter walking weather. A fairly cracking pace was set - almost no stopping for the views. The ground was largely crisp and hard. The two big hill climbs were even bigger than remembered: though short in miles this walk gives you a good workout.

    Four of us experimented with a gentler descent to Mickleham - the one described by Sandy, so thanks for that. It worked fairly well but was still a bit slippy in places: one person lost their footing, though no damage was done.

    Eight (or nine) lunched at the Running Horses, where a table had been booked. We had a lovely table under a glass roof with the blue sky above. The service was a little snooty - twas ever thus at this establishment - but the food delicious, apart, apparently, from the soup. I think some others lunched in the William IV. After lunch most went on to Leatherhead, even though it was very early, the Christmas market being one attraction. Four of us did the loop back towards Box Hill station, diverting to Denbies Vineyard and its self-service restaurant for tea at the end and getting there at 3.15. We then walked in the gathering dusk to get a 4.26 train from Dorking.

Saturday 10-Dec-16

Book 1 Walk 49 - Box Hill to Leatherhead
Length: 11.5km (7.1 miles)
Toughness: 7 out of 10: two steep climbs and one steep descent

10.31 train from Victoria (10.37 Clapham Junction, 10.59 Sutton) to Box Hill & Westhumble, arriving 11.21

You can also catch the 10.24 from Waterloo to Epsom, arriving 10.57, picking up the above train there at 11.09.

(Hopefully the Victoria train will not be disrupted by the current union work to rule, but if it is get any train to Clapham Junction. From there there is a South West trains service to Dorking at 11.03, arriving 11.43. Come out the station, go down the station approach, turn right up the main road, and walk for about 500 metres to get to Denbies Wine Estate on the left: at the far end of this turn right to join the North Downs Way, cross the Stepping Stones (or bridge) over the River Mole and join the walk directions in paragraph 8.)

For walk directions click here.

In the old Book 1 rota days this walk was a well-beloved pre-Christmas ritual. It is not long but packs plenty of climbing and fine views into its morning, including the popular climb up Box Hill.

For lunch there is a choice of two pubs in Mickleham, the posh but well-worth it Running Horses or the slightly more bohemian but equally excellent King William IV. Both are very popular and both are worth ringing to try and reserve a table. If both are full, you could try the earlier option of the Smith and Western Bar and Grill.

After Mickleham it is a short and gentle walk to Leatherhead, where the usual high street tea options await. It is a fairly ordinary place, but in the dark with the Christmas lights on usually manages to look quite cheery.

Trains back from Leatherhead are plentiful and you have a choice between Southern ones to Victoria and South Western ones to Waterloo. The Victoria ones are at 05 and 33 past and the Waterloo ones at 11, 23, 41 and 53: all of them take around 45 minutes and all of them, as far as I know, stop at Clapham Junction.
  • Anonymous
    Sat, 10-Dec-16

    10-approx cloudy but dry

    A pleasant walk in good company. Good lunch at The King William IV. Tea in Leatherhead for some.

Sunday 13-Dec-15

Book 1 Walk 49 – Box Hill to Leatherhead
Length: 11.5 km (7.1 miles). Toughness: 7/10

10:10 Dorking train from Victoria, calling at Clapham Junction (10:18) and lots of other south London stations, and arriving Box Hill & Westhumble at 11:06. Buy a day return to Box Hill.

There are four trains an hour back from Leatherhead: to Waterloo at 15 & 45 minutes past, and Victoria at 23 & 53 minutes past.

This Book 1 walk hasn't had a Sunday posting for nearly four years, so is overdue another outing. The morning route includes two steep climbs up Box Hill and then White Hill (both of which could be slippery), but even so I'd have said that overall it's no tougher than the average 5/10 walk. Unless you do the variation mentioned below, the afternoon is a short and easy stroll along the Mole valley.

In theory there's a choice of two lunch pubs in Mickleham (the Running Horses and the King William IV), but on a Sunday two weeks before Christmas they're both likely to be very busy. It would be wise to bring some provisions and treat yourself to an extra-large tea (or a late pub lunch) in Leatherhead.

You'll need to bring Book 1 or print the directions from the Walk 49 page. Note that part of the morning route was changed in the latest edition, with a scenic route descending Juniper Top replacing a rather gloomy stretch along the valley floor.

Circular Walk Option: For an alternative afternoon you could loop round through Norbury Park and return to Box Hill station, which has trains to Victoria at 18 & 48 minutes past. You can get tea at the Pilgrim Cycles shop (01306-886958) in the station building and stronger fare at the nearby Stepping Stones pub (01306-889932). Some brief directions for two possible circular routes are at the bottom of the online version. T=1.49
  • Anonymous
    Wed, 09-Dec-15

    lovely box hill...anyone going ?

  • Yes I am hoping to be here. Two big hills before lunch is just what the doctor ordered

  • Anonymous
    Fri, 11-Dec-15

    Does the circular walk option back to Box Hill change the overall distance by much?

  • Fri, 11-Dec-15

    The 'Hill option' back to Box Hill station is about the same distance as the standard book route to Leatherhead (but tougher); the 'Valley option' is about 1km shorter.

  • Anonymous
    Sun, 13-Dec-15


    dry some mist in the morning and brighter later

    A scenic and energetic walk and not too much mud. Most took a diversion or two in the morning to Juniper Top and The Gallops before an excellent lunch at the King William IV.

    Fortified by lunch, a few took the hill route back to Box Hill Station while others opted for the more leisurely route on to Leatherhead.

  • Anonymous
    Sun, 13-Dec-15


    dry some mist in the morning and brighter later

    A scenic and energetic walk and not too much mud. Most took a diversion or two in the morning to Juniper Top and The Gallops before an excellent lunch at the King William IV.

    Fortified by lunch, a few took the hill route back to Box Hill Station while others opted for the more leisurely route on to Leatherhead.