Waterlink Way : Lower Sydenham to Greenwich walk

Follows the Pool and Ravensbourne rivers through south east London via landscaped linear parks and green spaces


This is a list of previous times this walk has been done by the club (since Jan 2010). For more recent events (since April 2015), full details are shown.

Date Option Post # Weather
Thu, 15-Aug-24 Evening Walk - Waterlink Way (Lower Sydenham to Catford, Ladywell, Lewisham or Greenwich)
Thu, 09-Nov-23 Evening Walk - The end of The Waterlink Way, in reverse: Greenwich to Catford 3 almost entirely dry
Sat, 24-Dec-22 Beckenham Junction to Ladywell/Lewisham/Greenwich 6 thin wispy cirrus clouds
Thu, 20-Oct-22 Evening Walk - A walk in the dark: Waterlink Way (Lower Sydenham to Catford, Ladywell, Lewisham or Greenwich) 3 dry and warm
Fri, 29-Oct-21 Evening Walk - A walk in the dark: Waterlink Way (Lower Sydenham to Catford, Ladywell, Lewisham or Greenwich) 13 dry
Mon, 22-Apr-19 Easter Monday - Join the Caravan...Three Start Points: Rivers and Parks of South East London - The Waterlink Way [Short Walk] [Walk Check] 28 warm and sunny with a breeze at times
Length: up to 9.7 km (6.0 mi) [several dropout points en route]
Ascent/Descent: negligible
Net Walking Time: up to ca. 2 ¼ hours
Take the 18.10 Hayes (Kent) train from Charing X (18.13 W’loo East, 18.19 London Bridge, 18.29 Ladywell, 18.31 Catford Bridge), arrives Lower Sydenham at 18.34.
From locations further south, take the 18.14 train from Hayes to Charing X, arrives Lower Sydenham at 18.30
Finish is at one of: Ladywell Rail, either of the Catford Stations, Lewisham Rail/DLR, Cutty Sark DLR or Greenwich Rail/DLR.
Return trains from these stations go to either London Bridge, then Cannon Street or Charing Cross, or to Blackfriars via Peckham Rye and Elephant.
The route connects a number of attractive parks and green spaces in South East London, while following the Pool and Ravensbourne Rivers. It follows parts of the well-waymarked Waterlink Way, the London-part of the National Cycle Network Route connecting Eastbourne to the Thames. Large stretches of those rivers have in recent years been re-naturalised or at least sympathetically embedded in landscaped linear parks such as Ladywell Fields and Brookmill Park, and as such the route makes for a pleasant outing in a densely populated part of London, even though some formerly highly industrialised areas such as Deptford as well as some densely built-up areas such as Catford and Lewisham are passed through.

Walk Options: The walk route runs past a few Railway and DLR stations (Catford/Catford Bridge, Ladywell, Lewisham, Elverson Road and Deptford Bridge), enabling an earlier finish or later start.

Refreshments en route: the Catford Bridge Tavern in Catford, The Ladywell Tavern in Ladywell, The Brookmill in St. John’s and The Birds Nest in Deptford. Plus, plenty options in Greenwich.

For summary, walk directions, map, height profile, photos and gpx/kml files click here. T=short.36

Length: 7.6 km [for dropouts, see below]
Ascent/Descent: negligible
Net Walking Time: ca. 1 ½ hours
Take the 18.24 train from Cannon Street (Kent Loop Line, possibly showing as direction Dartford), calls London Bridge 18.28 & Deptford 18.34, arrives Greenwich 18.36.
Meet outside the station building through the main entrance. Group passes Cutty Sark DLR about 10 minutes later.
Return: xx.05 and xx.35 from Catford to Blackfriars (via Peckham Rye and Elephant), and xx.04, xx.20, xx.34 and xx.50 from Catford Bridge to Charing X via Lewisham and London Bridge.
Dropouts: Deptford Bridge DLR, Elverson Road DLR, Lewisham Station and DLR, Ladywell Station.

From Greenwich Mainline via Cutty Sark DLR to the Thames, west along the river to Deptford Creek, then follow the Waterlink Way upriver along the creek and The Ravensbourne River through Deptford, St. John’s, Lewisham and Ladywell to Catford and its stations, with the Bottle Bar & Shop or The Catford Bridge Tavern your options for post-walk food and drink.

For walk directions, map, height profile, photos and gpx/kml files click here. t=short.36

  • 09-Nov-23

    2 off the slightly delayed train, who bumped into a 3 rd walker on Creekside, and together proceeded in almost entirely dry weather. There was quite some light refraction, although the moon was never seen, the Big City Glare perhaps...

    Route finding therefore was not a problem and Thames and Ravensbourne were followed through parks and along residential streets, until we got to Catford just after 8 o'clock.

    We were keen on the Bottle Bar & Shop with its delicious flatbread pizze and lovely cocktails and wines in relaxed atmosphere, and eventually left at 9.40 for our various buses and trains.

    A lovely evening.


Length: Between 5 km and 9 km
Toughness: 1 / 10
Transport: Take the 9:58 train from London Victoria to Beckenham Junction arriving 10:20. Return from Ladywell at xx:24 and xx:54 until 14:24 (!), return from Lewisham regularly until 15:05 or until late with DLR to Bank, return from Greenwich until 14:02 or late with DLR to Bank.

This walk passes through southeast London's suburban greenspaces. It starts in Beckenham Place Park and then follows the Waterlink Way to Greenwich. The walk usually starts in Ravensbourne but the Sevenoaks line is not running this Christmas Eve, so I propose an alternative start from Beckenham Junction: After 15 mins along the road you reach Beckenham Place Park and can take up the "official" walk from there.

  • 24-Dec-22

    🌲🎁🎅 6 on this Christmas Eve stroll in an area where it's rumoured cabbies decline to go. The Poster treated us to a pleasant impromptu orbit of Beckenham Place Park under thin wispy cirrus clouds before we rejoined the northbound Waterlink Way. I had some Christmas shopping to finish and left at Lower Sydenham where the fantastic five continued towards Greenwich. A relaxing amble for those not travelling over the Holidays - Seasons Greetings to Everyone.🎅🎁🌲

This worked quite well last year as a long-ish ‘Walk in the Dark’, so let’s do it again…

Length: up to 9.7 km (6.0 mi) [several dropout points en route]
Ascent/Descent: negligible
Net Walking Time: up to ca. 2 ¼ hours
Take the 18.07 Hayes (Kent) train from Charing X (18.10 W’loo East, 18.16 London Bridge, 18.25 Ladywell), arrives Lower Sydenham at 18.31.
From locations further south, take the 18.15 train from Hayes to Cannon Street (calls Clock House and New Beckenham), arrives Lower Sydenham also at 18.31

Finish is at one of: Ladywell Rail, either of the Catford Stations, Lewisham Rail/DLR, Cutty Sark DLR or Greenwich Rail/DLR.
Return trains from these stations go to either London Bridge, then Cannon Street or Charing Cross, or to Blackfriars via Peckham Rye and Elephant.
The route connects a number of attractive parks and green spaces in South East London, while following the Pool and Ravensbourne Rivers. It follows parts of the well-waymarked Waterlink Way, the London-part of the National Cycle Network Route connecting Eastbourne to the Thames. Large stretches of those rivers have in recent years been re-naturalised or at least sympathetically embedded in landscaped linear parks such as Ladywell Fields and Brookmill Park, and as such the route makes for a pleasant outing in a densely populated part of London, even though some formerly highly industrialised areas such as Deptford as well as some densely built-up areas such as Catford and Lewisham are passed through.
Walk Options: The walk route runs past a few railway and DLR stations (Catford/Catford Bridge, Ladywell, Lewisham, Elverson Road and Deptford Bridge), enabling an earlier finish or later start.
Refreshments en route: the Catford Bridge Tavern and the Bottle Bar & Shop in Catford, The Ladywell Tavern in Ladywell, The Brookmill in St. John’s and The Birds Nest in Deptford.
Plus plenty options in Greenwich.
For summary, walk directions, map, height profile, photos and gpx/kml files click here. T=short.36
  • 20-Oct-22

    18.16 from LBG apparently non-stopping at Lower Syd. Will get off at Catford Bridge and walk towards Lower Syd, about halfway, then turn around.

  • 20-Oct-22

    With the posted train announced en route as non-stopping at Lower Sydenham, 1 other got off at Catford Bridge with me to walk further towards Lower Sydenham in case someone had started from there. We indeed met 1 other halfway (a Sydenham resident) and walked back towards Catford and then Ladywell. A drink and a meal was had at the Tavern, and 1 then took a bus back to Sydenham, while 2 took the train to town. Weather: dry and warm

  • 20-Oct-22


Length: up to 9.7 km (6.0 mi) [several dropout points en route]
Ascent/Descent: negligible
Net Walking Time: up to ca. 2 ¼ hours
Take the 18.07 Hayes (Kent) train from Charing X (18.10 W’loo East, 18.16 London Bridge, 18.25 Ladywell), arrives Lower Sydenham at 18.31.
From locations further south, take the 18.15 train from Hayes to Cannon Street (calls Clock House and New Beckenham), arrives Lower Sydenham also at 18.31
Finish is at one of: Ladywell Rail, either of the Catford Stations, Lewisham Rail/DLR, Cutty Sark DLR or Greenwich Rail/DLR. Return trains from these stations go to either London Bridge, then Cannon Street or Charing Cross, or to Blackfriars via Peckham Rye and Elephant.
The route connects a number of attractive parks and green spaces in South East London, while following the Pool and Ravensbourne Rivers. It follows parts of the well-waymarked Waterlink Way, the London-part of the National Cycle Network Route connecting Eastbourne to the Thames. Large stretches of those rivers have in recent years been re-naturalised or at least sympathetically embedded in landscaped linear parks such as Ladywell Fields and Brookmill Park, and as such the route makes for a pleasant outing in a densely populated part of London, even though some formerly highly industrialised areas such as Deptford as well as some densely built-up areas such as Catford and Lewisham are passed through.
Note: as per the info available on the www, all parks should be open 24 hours (and the paths are all tarmac and lit all the way, from memory).
Walk Options: The walk route runs past a few railway and DLR stations (Catford/Catford Bridge, Ladywell, Lewisham, Elverson Road and Deptford Bridge), enabling an earlier finish or later start.
Refreshments en route: the Catford Bridge Tavern and the Bottle Bar & Shop in Catford, The Ladywell Tavern in Ladywell, The Brookmill in St. John’s and The Birds Nest in Deptford. Plenty options in Greenwich.

For summary, walk directions, map, height profile, photos and gpx/kml files click here. T=short.36

  • Anonymous

    Those intending to walk to Greenwich may wish to take a peek at "Boaty Mcboatface" NNA the RRS Sir David Attenborough which will be moored at Greenwich until Saturday I understand see https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-59022676

  • 30-Oct-21

    11 met at Lower Sydenham, 1 joined at Catford, having missed the posted train. Someone complained that it wasn't really a "walk in the dark", as it was so well lit (and all-tarmac), and in fact it was. Apart maybe from where it mattered most, on the slippery arched bridge where the two rivers meet. And for a small stretch in Brookmill Park.

    With 3 going to bail out in Ladywell, all of us went to the Tavern there before saying goodbyes. Unbeknownst to us, that was when 1 other walker, going in reverse from Deptford to meet us, passed the pub and kept going to Catford until getting in touch and realising he had missed us. He turned back and caught us back in Deptford where we had a second short stop at the Birds Nest to allow him to catch up.

    On to Greenwich, where the - surprisingly large - Attenborough was moored with its searchlights on (aka Boaty MacBoatface). 7 then picked one of the only two spots that was still serving food for supper, 2 went for a drink.

    13 dry

Waterlink Way (Lower Sydenham to Greenwich) – Longer walks start from Ravensbourne (Rail) or Arena (Tram)
Length: 9.7 km (6.0 mi) [longer walks possible, see below; several dropout points en route]
Ascent/Descent: negligible
Net Walking Time: ca. 2 ¼ hours
Toughness: 1 out of 10
Three different start points: the Arena route ends at Lower Sydenham rail, the start of the main walk; the Ravensbourne route ends 5 mins into the main route at the first linear park. With some luck all groups get to that park at the same time…
· Lower Sydenham start: take the 12.37 Hayes (Kent) train from Charing X (12.40 W’loo East, 12.46 LBG), arriving Lower Sydenham at 13.01.
· Arena Tram start (one stop from Elmers End Rail): start at 11.45, for that the 11.07 Hayes (Kent) train from Charing X should suffice, it arrives Elmers End 11.38, the tram leaves 11.41.
· Ravensbourne start: take the 11.16 Sevenoaks train from Blackfriars (calls Elephant & Castle, Denmark Hill, Peckham Rye, Nunhead etc.), arrives Ravensbourne at 11.47.
Finish is at Cutty Sark DLR or Greenwich Rail (trains via LBG to Cannon Street or Blackfriars).

The route connects a number of attractive parks and green spaces in South East London, while following the Pool and Ravensbourne Rivers. It follows parts of the well-waymarked Waterlink Way, the London-part of the National Cycle Network Route connecting Eastbourne to the Thames. Large stretches of those rivers have in recent years been re-naturalised or at least sympathetically embedded in landscaped linear parks such as Ladywell Fields and Brookmill Park, and as such the route makes for a pleasant outing in a densely populated part of London, even though some formerly highly industrialised areas such as Deptford as well as some densely built-up areas such as Catford and Lewisham are passed through.
The Waterlink Way is a shared cycle-/footpath all the way through and as such avoids public footpaths. The route described diverts from the waymarked route where a better alternative for walkers exists.
Walk Options:
Shorter: The walk route runs past a few railway and DLR stations (Catford/Catford Bridge, Ladywell, Lewisham, Elverson Road and Deptford Bridge), enabling an earlier finish or later start.
Longer: The Waterlink Way goes through some attractive walking terrain further south than Lower Sydenham:
· South Norwood Country Park, where it follows one of the Pool River’s tributaries, and Cator Park in New Beckenham (for that option join the Arena start, this adds 5.1 km);
· and it also has a spur from further up the Ravensbourne in pretty Beckenham Place Park (for that option join the Ravensbourne start, this adds 4.3 km and 60m ascent).
Lunch: 1 pub, 1 pizzeria, 3 cafés/cakeries and a deli in Ladywell (4.5 km from the start), recommended are The Ladywell Tavern and Le Delice boulangerie, patisserie and café.
Tea: several options en route and plenty options in Greenwich, check the pdf.

For summary, walk directions, map, height profile, photos and gpx/kml files click here. T=short.36
  • 15-Apr-19

    Will start from Ravensbourne Station. In-form Bluebells highly likely in Beckenham Place Park.

  • 19-Apr-19

    Intend going.

  • 20-Apr-19

    I'm starting from Arena, Sarah H

  • David

    If you're feeling hot and bothered after lunch in Ladywell, the Glass Mill Leisure Centre (the big building with the multi-coloured glass panels across the road from Lewisham DLR station) has a rather nice swimming pool and excellent showers. You'll be walking past there anyway, so you have a chance to admire the area, which used to be quite run-down up to about fifteen years ago, but has now changed out of all recognition.

  • 22-Apr-19

    warm and sunny with a breeze at times

    15 started out from Ravensbourne (one of those off an earlier train), most of whom had never set foot in this part of town. We then bumped into 1 other in Beckenham Place Park. All, I think, were pleasantly surprised by the park, whose ancient woodlands didn't disappoint: they had sumptious displays of bluebells. The manor house had a market going which caused several people to get 'lost' temporarily in the throng between the stalls, but eventually we all came out the other end and continued across the mighty watershed to the Pool River. I absconded from the group as we passed near Lower Sydenham station to pick up anyone that might have started from the other two start points, and indeed: 4 were waiting for the train from Central London, having started at Arena Tram or Kent House station. 4 more got off the train, and we all met the Ravensbourne group in the first linear park, where they had waited. So 24 strolled on north. Then 1 guy joined having started at Sydenham station and walked across, 2 others were met at Ladywell station, having walked in from their home in Sydenham, but then retraced their steps immediately having seen us (I hope it wasn't because of us). So, 27 by now, we spread out to the cafe and the pub in Ladywell, and then another walker turned up over from Nunhead, having been prevented to join us earlier by urgent personal affairs.

    The cafe mob picked up the pub people, or so I thought, but before time everyone had sat down in the pub and the feeling was, if nobody took charge to move the crowd on, they would have happily stayed there for the rest of the day (both cafe and pub are excellent, really).

    So after a while the 'leader' called time, a couple of people bailed out to catch a train or explore Ladywell, but 23 of the total walked on (I think). En route we saw an egret and a heron (both in Lewisham). In Greenwich, some went to the Gipsy Moth, others to the cafe in the Painted Hall, others again to one or other of the riverside pubs, and 3 walked on to North Greenwich tube after their pub visit. 28