Eastbourne to Hastings via Bexhill walk

Flat coastal walk along the south coast past busy sea front promenades and quiet beaches.


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  • Eastbourne to Hastings.10/7/11.
    amib, Jul-11

    A flat coastal walk of around 15 miles between two well-known seaside towns. The walk may be on the level but there's a bit of shingle walking to tax the limbs; it's important to check the tide times in order to avoid a lengthy shingle slog twixt Pevensy and Cooden, which is the quietest section of the walk.

    A mixed walk involving esplanades, piers, modern harbour developments, seawalls and plenty of shingle.

    This walker terminated at St Leonards (West St. Leonards is on the railway line needed, contrary to what the text says) as Hastings features on other videos. A distance of 18 miles having been recorded by then.

    Not a bad walk for a sunny day but not the prettiest.