Robertsbridge Circular via Brightling walk

A walk through Jack Fuller Country


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  • Robertsbridge Circular. 27/8/18.
    amib, Aug-18

    Another wonderful Wealden walk! This 12 miler was a circular tour from the village of Robertsbridge and incorporated a number of connections to the former M.P., 'Mad' Jack Fuller.

    It's a remote area, appealing to this walker, and well-wooded, another attraction. There's a large reservoir close by in the mid-section, but it doesn't appear in this video. The area is also home to the elusive (for this walker at least!) boar, apparently, and Ospreys have been seen over the water.

    It was spongy underfoot today, but will be extremely muddy in places during the Winter months, particularly through Darwell Wood.

    There's no pub, nor church, on this walk, so any picnic has to be had on the ground, or hoof.